Adam Boulter

The Heavens

The sky is endlessly fascinating. People have looked at the clouds since the dawn of time and tried to see in them the patterns of creation. Where I live is on the edge of the coastal and mountain weather systems and they clash over my garden in mesmerising displays of changing clouds or swirling storms.

"The Heavens I (Staring at the sky, clouds over Ruffec)",
Oil on Linen, 2023, 81cm x 60cm
"The HeavensII (Staring at the sky,
changing weather)",
Oil on Linen, 2023, 81cm x 60cm
"Staring at the sky,
red sky in the morning",
Oil on Linen, 2023, 81cm x 60cm
Clouds at sunset
Watercolour on Paper,
2023, 38cm x 29cm
Impending Storm
Watercolour on Paper,
2023, 19cm x 15cm
Rain clouds
Watercolour on Paper,
2023, 19cm x 15cm
Yellow Cloud
Watercolour on Paper,
2023, 19cm x 15cm
Watercolour on Paper,
2023, 19cm x 15cm
Early sunset
Watercolour on Paper,
2023, 19cm x 15cm
Changing weather
Watercolour on Paper,
2023, 19cm x 15cm
Watercolour on Paper,
2023, 19cm x 15cm
Rain clouds
Watercolour on Paper,
2023, 19cm x 15cm
Rain clouds
Watercolour on Paper,
2023, 19cm x 15cm
September clouds at midday, Ruffec
Pastel on Paper, 2023, 23cm x 31cm
Early morning clouds,
Pastel on Paper, 2023, 23cm x 31cm
Storm brewing in the morning, Ruffec
Pastel on Paper, 2023, 23cm x 31cm
September clouds afternoon, Ruffec
Pastel on Paper, 2023, 23cm x 31cm
Storm in the afternoon, Ruffec
Pastel on Paper, 2023, 23cm x 31cm
Clouds in the morning, Ruffec
Pastel on Paper, 2023, 23cm x 31cm