My interest in Popper and Bartley

I've been studying the philosophy of Popper since 1975 when I first read his major works. Many of his ideas have influenced and informed much of what I've done since then especially my work on testimony.

Around August 1992, I started a serious study of the work of William Warren Bartley, III, and came to accept his view that pancritical rationalism is better than critical rationalism. One outcome of this research was my paper "Constructing a Comprehensively Anti-justificationist Position". I also compiled a bibliography of Bartley's writings.

In June 2008, simply for pleasure, I decided to reread some works by Popper and some by Bartley. I came to see that Bartley had misinterpreted some of Popper's key insights regarding critical rationalism. The more I read the more I saw that Bartley's account simply did not correspond to what Popper says about critical rationalism. I decided to write about what I had discovered and the result was "On Critical and Pancritical Rationalism" which won the 2008 Sir Karl Popper Essay Prize.


© Antoni Diller (12 June 2023)