Current Drafts and Recent Papers

Proof-theoretic Semantics, the Foundations of Logic, and Applied Logic

  1. Alexander Gheorghiu, Tao Gu, and David Pym. A Note on an Inferentialist Approach to Resource Semantics. To appear, Proc. Scandinavian Logic Symposium 2024, Reykjavik, 2024. Manuscript.

  2. Timo Eckhardt and David Pym. Base-extension Semantics for S5 Modal Logic. Manuscript, 2024.

  3. Alexander Gheorghiu, Tao Gu, and David Pym. A note on the practice of logical inferentialism: the state-effect interpretation, definitional reflection, and completeness. Manuscript. 2nd Logic and Philosophy: Historical and Contemporary Issues Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, May 2024.

  4. Alexander Gheorghiu, Tao Gu, and David Pym. Inferentialist Resource Semantics. To appear, Proc. Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics (MFPS), Oxford, June 2024. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs). Manuscript.

  5. Didier Galmiche, Timo Lang, and David Pym. Minimalistic System Modelling: Behaviours, Interfaces, and Local Reasoning. Submitted, 2024. Manuscript.

  6. Timo Eckhardt and David Pym. Base-extension Semantics for Modal Logics. Manuscript. Logic Journal of the IGPL, 2024.

  7. Alexander Gheorghiu, Tao Gu, and David Pym. Proof-theoretic-semantics for the Logic of Bunched Implications. Submitted, 2024. Manuscript.

  8. Alexander Gheorghiu, Tao Gu, and David Pym. Proof-theoretic-semantics for Intuitionistic Multiplicative Linear Logic (Extended Abstract). In Proc. TLLA, 2023. Manuscript.

  9. Alexander Gheorghiu, Tao Gu, and David Pym. Proof-theoretic-semantics for Intuitionistic Multiplicative Linear Logic. In Proc. Tableaux 2023, LNCS. Manuscript.

  10. David Pym, Eike Ritter, and Edmund Robinson. Categorical Proof-theoretic Semantics. Manuscript. Studia Logica,, 2024.

  11. Alexander Gheorghiu and David Pym. Definite formulae, Negation-as-Failure, and the Base-extension Semantics of Intuitionistic Propositional Logic. Bulletin of the Section of Logic, 2023. Manuscript.

  12. Alexander Gheorghiu and David Pym. Proof-theoretic Semantics and Tactical Proof. Submitted, 2023. Manuscript.

  13. David Pym, Eike Ritter, and Edmund Robinson. Proof-theoretic Semantics in Sheaves (Extended Abstract). Scandinavian Logic Symposium, Bergen, June 2022. Manuscript. SLSS 2022 Abstracts Booklet.

  14. Alexander Gheorghiu and David Pym. Generalizing Rules via Algebraic Constraints (Extended Abstract). Scandinavian Logic Symposium, Bergen, June 2022. Manuscript. SLSS 2022 Abstracts Booklet.

  15. Alexander Gheorghiu and David Pym. Reductive Logic, Proof-search, and Coalgebra (Extended Abstract). To appear, Proc. Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science (Short papers Technical Report, Helle Hvid Hansen and Fabio Zanasi, editors), 2022. This is an extended abstract of the paper in Samson Abramsky on Logic and Structure in Computer Science and Beyond (see below). Manuscript.

  16. Alexander Gheorghiu and David Pym. Semantics ex Proof and Refutation (Extended Abstract). Presented (by Alexander Gheorghiu) at Bilateralism & Proof-Theoretic Semantics, Ruhr University Bochum, March 17-18, 2022. Manuscript.

  17. Alexander Gheorghiu and David Pym. Defining Logical Systems via Algebraic Constraints on Proofs. Journal of Logic and Computation, 2023. Manuscript, OUP Advance Publication

  18. Alexander Gheorghiu and David Pym. Semantical Analysis of the Logic of Bunched Implications. Studia Logica (2023). Manuscript. Published version.

  19. Alexander Gheorghiu, Simon Docherty, and David Pym. Reductive Logic, Proof-search, and Coalgebra: A Perspective from Resource Semantics. Revised version to appear, Samson Abramsky on Logic and Structure in Computer Science and Beyond, Alessandra Palmigiano and Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh (editors), Outstanding Contributions to Logic, Springer, 2023. Manuscript.

  20. David Pym. Reductive logic & proof-theoretic semantics: a coalgebraic perspective. In: Proc. Proof-theoretic Semantics: Assessment and Future Perspectives, P. Schroeder-Heister and T. Piecha (editors), Third Tübingen Conference on Proof-theoretic Semantics, 27-30 March 2019. Manuscript. Proceedings.

  21. Simon Docherty and David Pym. Resource Reasoning in Duality-theoretic Form: Stone-type Dualities for Bunched and Separation Logics. Proc. Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic (TACL) 2019. Manuscript.

  22. Simon Docherty and David Pym. Modular Tableaux Calculi for Separation Theories. In: Proc. FOSSACS 2018. Manuscript.

  23. Simon Docherty and David Pym. STONE-TYPE DUALITIES FOR SEPARATION LOGICS. In: Logical Methods in Computer Science. Manuscript.

  24. Simon Docherty and David Pym. Intuitionistic Layered Graph Logics: Semantics and Proof Theory. In: Logical Methods in Computer Science. Manuscript.

  25. Didier Galmiche, Pierre Kimmel, and David Pym. A Substructural Epistemic Resource Logic: Theory and Modelling Applications. Journal of Logic and Computation, 29(8), 1251-1287, 2019. Published: 19 January 2020. Manuscript.

  26. David Pym. Resource semantics: logic as a modelling technology. ACM SIGLOG News, April 2019, Vol. 6, No. 2, 5-41. Manuscript.

History and Philosophy of Science

  1. Tristan Caulfield, Marius-Constantin Ilau, and David Pym. Co-designing heterogeneous models: a distributed systems approach. Submitted, 2024. Manuscript.

  2. Albesë Demjaha, David Pym, Tristan Caulfield, and Simon Parkin. The trivial tickets build the trust': A co-design approach to understanding security support interactions in a large university. In press, Journal of Cybersecurity, 2024.

  3. Alexander Gheorghiu, Tao Gu, and David Pym. A note on the practice of logical inferentialism: the state-effect interpretation, definitional reflection, and completeness. 2nd Logic and Philosophy: Historical and Contemporary Issues Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, May 2024. Manuscript.

  4. David Pym. The Origins of Cyberspace. To appear as Chapter 1 of The Oxford Handbook of Cybersecurity, P. Cornish (editor), December 2021. Manuscript.

  5. David Pym, Jonathan Spring, and Peter O’Hearn. Why Separation Logic Works. Philos. Technol. (2018). Manuscript.

  6. Jonathan Spring and David Pym. Towards Scientific Incident Response. In: Proc. GameSec 2018, LNCS. Manuscript.

  7. Jonathan Spring, Tyler Moore, and David Pym. Practicing a Science of Security: A Philosophy of Science Perspective. In: NSPW ’17, Oct 1–4, 2017, Santa Cruz, California, USA. ACM, 2017. Manuscript.

Systems Modelling, Security, and Security Economics

  1. Albesë Demjaha, David Pym, Tristan Caulfield, and Simon Parkin. The trivial tickets build the trust': A co-design approach to understanding security support interactions in a large university. In press, Journal of Cybersecurity, 2024.

  2. Didier Galmiche, Timo Lang, and David Pym. Minimalistic System Modelling: Behaviours, Interfaces, and Local Reasoning. Submitted, 2024. Manuscript.

  3. Marius-Constantin Ilau, Adrian Baldwin, Tristan Caulfield, and David Pym. Modelling and simulating organizational ransomware recovery: structure, methodology, and decisions. Submitted, 2023. Manuscript.

  4. Henry Skeoch and David Pym. PRICING CYBER-INSURANCE FOR SYSTEMS VIA MATURITY MODELS. Submitted, 2023. Manuscript.

  5. M. Bujorianu, T. Caulfield, and D. Pym. Modelling and Control of Complex Cyber-Physical Ecosystems. In Proc. 1st IFAC Workshop on Control of Complex Systems (COSY 2022). Manuscript.

  6. Albesë Demjaha, Simon Parkin, and David Pym. The boundedly rational employee: Security economics for behaviour intervention support in organizations. Journal of Computer Security 30(3) 2022, 435-464. Manuscript.

  7. T. Caulfield, M.-C. Ilau, and D. Pym. Engineering Ecosystem Models: Semantics and Pragmatics. In Proc. 13th SIMUtools 2021. Springer, 2021. Manuscript. Springer Link.

  8. T. Caulfield, M.-C. Ilau, and D. Pym. Meta-modelling for Ecosystems Security. In Proc. 13th SIMUtools 2021. Springer, 2021. Manuscript. Springer Link.

  9. A. Baldwin, T. Caulfield, M.-C. Ilau, and D. Pym. Modelling Organizational Recovery. In Proc. 13th SIMUtools 2021. Springer, 2021. Manuscript. Springer Link.

  10. A. Demjaha, D. Pym, and T. Caulfield. Found in Translation: Co-design for Security Modelling. Proc. 11th STAST 2021. LNCS 13176:108-128, 2021. Springer. Manuscript.

  11. David Pym and Will Venters. Modelling interfaces in the decentralized Internet of Things. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), India (Online), 2020. Presentation. Manuscript.

  12. Paul Brunet and David Pym. Pomsets with Boxes: Protection, Separation, and Locality in Concurrent Kleene Algebra. FSCD 2020 version and arXiv version.

  13. Albesë Demjaha, Simon Parkin, and David Pym. You’ve left me no choices: Security economics to inform behaviour intervention support in organizations. In: Proc. 9th Workshop on Socio-technical Aspects in Security, Luxembourg City, 2019. LNCS, 2019, Springer. Recipient of 'Best Paper' award. Manuscript.

  14. C. Ioannidis, D. Pym, J. Williams, and I. Gheyas. Resilience in Information Stewardship. European Journal of Operational Research 274(2), 638-653, April 2019. Manuscript.

  15. Albesë Demjaha, Tristan Caulfield, M. Angela Sasse, and David Pym. 2 Fast 2 Secure: A Study of Post-Breach Security Changes. In: Proc. 4th European Workshop on Usable Security, EuroUSEC 2019, IEEE 2019. Stockholm, Sweden, June 20, 2019. In: IEEE Xplore. Manuscript.

  16. Baldwin, A., Gheyas, I., Ioannidis, C., Pym, D. & Williams, J. (2017). Contagion in cyber security attacks. Journal of the Operational Research Society 68(7): 780-791. Manuscript.

  17. Thomas Cattermole, Simon Docherty, David Pym, and Angela Sasse. Asset-oriented access control through object-oriented principles. Manuscript.

  18. Tristan Caulfield, Christos Ioannidis, and David Pym. Dynamic Pricing for Ransomware. Working draft: Manuscript.

  19. Tristan Caulfield, Michelle Baddeley, and David Pym. Social Learning in Systems Security Modelling. In Social Simulation Conference, 2016. Manuscript.