Astronomy links

dja page
all sky cam archive
Starlink: home, old home, graphics, GAIA astrom. fitting & subroutine libraries: SLALIB - PGPLOT - HLP string handling.
Journals: MNRAS - EM&P - Plan.Sp.Sci. - Met.Plan.Sci. - Icarus - A&A - AJ - ARAA - AER - Distant EKOs - Comet sci newslet
Reference databases: NASA ADS - e-Print archive - (Universal Decimal Classification)
MPC: home - index - eph service - data - MP Checker - NEO Page - NEOs to observe - Asteroid discovery credit - Comet naming - U param. - Access CS
Natural satellites: MPC - Sternberg - Sheppard
CHARON astrometry software
Aldo Vitagliano - Solex integrator
Martin Mc Kenna (nightskyhunter)
Bisei: JSGA - JSGA info - Tokushima - Torus - Clear Sky Institute - PixelVision - SITe - Takahashi BRC-250
Telescopes: Faulkes - LCOGT - ING 'scopes - Pan-Starrs - LSST - SALT
Telescope formulae - Binoculars -- Bias/overscan
Leap seconds - GMT
EURONEAR - Spaceguard Cen. Node - European Asteroid Res. Node - Ast. risk tables
NEODyS - OrbFit - Asteroids (Lowell Obs) - Asteroid Observing Services - MOID
Kepler orbit formulas
Occultations: Manek & Vasta - Preston - EAON - Lunar
Asteroid physical properties - Solar system objects physical data
Comets: Jewitt - Kronk - Yoshida
Crabs & Glyphs (Maya glyph decipherment including notes on ancient Maya astronomy) -- Meteor showers and the ancient Maya

NASA: Asteroid Watch - Asteroid Radar - Asteroid Fact Sheet - Jov. Satellite Fact Sheet - Hubble gallery - Comet Hale-Bopp
JPL Solar System Dynamics - Horizons - Small body database browser
Meteors: IMO - MtrFlux - Nemetode - SPA - IAU Comm. F1 - IAU MDC - IAU MDC Phot. D'base - NASA fireball - CMOR radiants
Impact process: Bevan M. French bk
Scottish impact crater - Effects of impacts
Meteorites: Kring meteorites - Korotev lunar meteorites - Chondrules - Identification (Notkin) - (Meteorites Oz)
Atmospheric optics - Sky blue - Green flash -- Ionosphere - Ionosph. radio propag'n -- Moon/tides
Sun's evolution - SIMBAD - Named stars
David Darling - Swinburne Univ
Science funding
Conferences: List - IMC 2019 - Met2019 - Bredikhin - Met2016 - ASGI14 - Bredikhin14 - Met2013 - ACM2011 - EPSC09 (SB) - Met2007
Solar Terrestrial Dispatch (aurora etc.)
Heavens Above (satellite visibility & more)

This file was last updated on 240727.