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AGWPE Emulator for BPQ32

This program (AGWtoBPQ.EXE) enables software written to use the AGWPE socket interface to be used with the BPQ32 node.


You need to specify the TCP port that AGW Applications connect to. This is normally 8000.

If your applications(s) receive incomming connections, you must specify the number of sessions to allocate for them, and the BPQ application number(s) to be used. The Applications are specified as a bit mask, so if Applications 1 and 5 use the AGW interface set mask to 0x11. The callsign defined to the AGW application program must match the corresponding APPLnCALL in BPQCFG.TXT.

The "Loop TXed Raw Frames" and "Loop TXed Mon Frames" control whether the AGW applications see packets sent by the node, or just those received from outside. Set these if you want one application to see packets transmitted by other applications.

You must close and restart AGWtoBPQ if you change the configuration.