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BPQTermTCP allows remote access to a bpq32 node over the Internet. It connects to the BPQ32 TelnetServer in FBB mode, so you must define an FBBPORT in the BPQ32 Telnet Configuration. BPQTermTCP keeps it's configuration information in a .ini file, which is saved in the directory BPQTermTCP is started from. This simplifies operation from a USB memory stick.

The program supports YAPP file transfers

BPQTermTCP can be set to accept incoming connections.

The program can connect to IPv6 addresses if running on a machine with an IPv6 stack.

Window Structure

There are three text areas.. The whole display can be resized in the normal way by dragging the borders. The split between the Monitor and Output windows can be changed by dragging the bar between the windows.

Monitor Window

The top is the Monitor window, which displays in a decoded form messages sent and received by the node.

Output Window

The second is the interactive window, which displays responses to messages entered into the third window. You can Copy/Paste from this window.

The Input window

Where you type. If the output window has been scrolled back, the background of the input window is changed to grey, as a reminder that new output will not be be displayed.

Menu Options


Connect to a host. You can define up to 16 hosts to connect to.


Disconnect from the current host.


Allows BPQTermTCP to accept incoming connections. You can set a port to listen on (default is 8515). You can also enable Listen by using the command line parameter "Listen".


TCP Hosts

Configure HostName/IP Address, Port, Username and Password.

Font Setup

Here you can set character sets (UTF8, CP1251 or CP1252) and font size.

Enable Bells

Causes the program to sound a tone when a "Bell" character is received.

Strip Linefeeds

Removes Line Feeds. Most packet programs just use Carriage Return (Ascii 0x0d) to mark the end of a line, but some use Carriage Return plus Line Feed.

Log Monitor

Causes text written to the monitor window to be logged to a file. Note this option is not saved when the program is closed.

Log Output

Causes text written to the output window to be logged to a file. Note this option is not saved when the program is closed.

Chat Terminal Mode

Causes a "Keep alive" message to be sent every 11 minutes to stop Chat sessions closing.

Alert Setup

This enables an alarm to be sounded, either when one of a list of words os phrases is received, or after a specified time with no output. The Alert can be a beep of specified tone and duration, or playing a .wav file. To alert on words or phrases create a text file containing the required strings, one per line.


Monitor TX

Enables monitoring of transmitted frames.

Monitor Supervisory

Selects whether to monitor supervisory frames, or just I frames.

Monitor NODES

Controls whether "NODES" broadcasts are displayed.

Enable Colour

Causes sent and received messages to be displayed in different colours.

Add Port

Adds another "Port n" line to the monitor dialog.

Port n

Enables monitoring of activity on Radio Port n.


Copy Monitor Window

Copies the contents of Monitor window to the clipboard.

Copy Output Window

Copies the contents of Output window to the clipboard.

Clear Monitor Window

Clear the Monitor window.

Clear OutputWindow

Clear the Output window.


Send File

Send a file using YAPP.

Set Receive Directory

Set the location to save received YAPP files.

John Wiseman G8BPQ
Updated April 2020