PAT is a multiplatform Winlink Client (see It may be used to access the BBS in a similar way to RMS Express, using the same config settings (TelnetServer With RELAYAPPL set to BBS and the RMS Express User or BBS with B2 set on BBS user records). PAT may also use the node's radio ports to connect to another server.
Although PAT was designed as a client for the Winlink 2000 system, it can also be used to send messages to/from the BPQ BBS. This is similar to the way Winlink Express connects to BPQ and uses the same configuration options. To connect select transport telnet and an address of the machine running BPQ. eg
GM8BPQ-1:CMSTelnet@ if BPQ on same machine GM8BPQ-1:CMSTelnet@ if BPQ on different machine
These can be set as aliases in the PAT configuration file to simplify operation
The BBS will send messages which have a TO of the MyCall or AuxCall settings, or are flagged in the forwarding record to be sent. Messages that are flagged will be set to status 'F', messages which have been selected by the TO or AuxCalls will be killed. This allows bulls to be sent to PAT without them being killed.
There is an extra flag in the User Configuration record for a PAT user. Users can either be set as BBS, or an "RMSExpress User" but shouldn't be set as both. If BBS is not set, a temporary BBS record will be created to allow B2 forwarding. There is a limit of 160 BBS's on the system, so if you have lots of PAT users you may be better not setting them as BBS, unless you need to forward bulls. The "RMS Express User" flag will be set automatically when a new user connects, but if an existing user wants to connect using PAT you'll have to set the flag manually
PAT users may connect to the Node over Telnet and connect out over the BPQ
radio ports. This allows PAT to be used with modes or TNC's not directly supported by PAT.
This uses a special form of Password in a Telnet Connection. The BPQ port to use and the callsign to connect to are added to the password, separated by $ signs, eg
This will connect to your node then connect to CALL using BPQ Port 11.