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Robust Packet and the BPQ32 switch.


If you have a single port SCS PTC (the PTC-IIex or PTC-IIusb, but not the PRO models) or an SCSDragon you can run Robust Packet as well as Pactor on the same port. You can scan for and make calls in either mode. 

The setup is a little differnent for the PTC and Dragon Controllers. The Dragon can listen for Pactor and Packet simultaneously, but the PTChas to be told to switch between the two. To enable this feature, add the following commands to your SCSPactor configuration:


PAC BAUD R600            ; Sets the PTC Packet Modem to Robust Packet Mode
SCANFORROBUSTPACKET n    ; The PTC will listen for Robust Packet calls for the first n seconds
                         ; of each scan interval, and for Pactor for the rest
USEAPPLCALLS             ; PTC will respond to packet connects to your APPLCALLS


DRAGON SINGLE            ; Tells BPQ to use the same port for Pactor and Packet
pac PRPORT 1             ; Tells the Dragon to use Port 1 for Packet (by default the 7800 uses port 2 for Packet)
PAC BAUD R600            ; Sets the Packet Modem to Robust Packet Mode
USEAPPLCALLS             ; Dragon will respond to Packet connects to your APPLCALLS

To enable monitoring of Robust Packet activity to the BPQTerminal Monitor window, add


If you are using a PTC then as by default Robust Packet mode retries connects every 5 seconds, I suggest you set SCANFORROBUSTPACKET 7, and your Rigcontrol Scan Interval to 10. The PTC will then listen for Robust Packet for 7 seconds, and Pactor for 3.
With a Dragon a Scan Interval of around 7 seconds should be ok.

Making Calls.

To call in Robust Packet mode, enter RC Callsign, instead of C Callsign

John Wiseman GM8BPQ/G8BPQ
Updated January 2018