Dr Jonathan Kasstan, Lecturer in French and Linguistics (University of Westminster)
Invited talks
- 2021
- Kasstan J. R. and M. Russo. ‘Maintenance in shift: on nasalisation in traditional Francoprovençal and Occitan areas’, Société linguistique de Paris (journée scientifique) (12th June 2021).
- 2020
- Kasstan J. R. ‘The substance of stylistic variation in language obsolescence’, Guest Lecture, Department of Linguistics, National University of Singapore (28th October 2020).
- 2018
- Kasstan J. R. ‘Signs of life in language death’, Guest Lecture, Centre for Linguistics, Language Education and Acquisition Research, University of Southampton (15th November 2018).
- Kasstan J. R. ‘On the sociolinguistics of language obsolescence’, Guest Lecture, Université de Lausanne (12th April 2018).
- 2017
- Kasstan J. R. ‘Palatalisation de la latérale en position d'attaque complexe C+/l/: une variable sociolinguistique Labovienne?’, Entre Europe et Amérique du Nord : Regards Croisés sur le Francoprovençal, Centre d'études francoprovençales, Saint-Nicolas - Aosta (11th November 2017) [Press: La Stampa, La Vallée Notizie, Tradizioni, Corriere Canadese] [Video footage].
- Kasstan J. R. ‘Back in style? Language revitalisation and emergent sociolinguistic norms among new speakers of Francoprovençal’, Anglia Ruskin and Cambridge Romance Linguistics Seminars, Anglia Ruskin University (19th October 2017).
- Kasstan J. R. ‘Variations et changements linguistiques dans les dialectes francoprovençaux des monts du Lyonnais’, Quelle place pour les patois en Suisse romande aujourd’hui ?, Université de Neuchâtel (21st-22nd September 2017) [Supplement].
- Kasstan J. R. ‘Exploring standardisation and sociolinguistic authenticity among speakers of a contested language’, Multilingualism: Empowering Individuals, Transforming Societies Workshop, University of Nottingham (6-7th July 2017).
- 2016
- Kasstan J. R. ‘New speakers as agents of sociolinguistic change: exploring evidence from obsolescent Francoprovençal’, University of Westminster (6th April 2016).
- Kasstan J. R. ‘The new speaker as agent of social and linguistic change: exploring evidence from obsolescent Francoprovençal’, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London (19th January 2016).
Peer-reviewed conference papers
- 2023
- Horesh, U. and J. R. Kasstan. ‘Attention to speech (varieties) or attention to task? Locating styles in Arabic and Francoprovençal’, New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) 51, Queen College and CUNY (13-15th October 2023).
- Kasstan, J. R. ‘What are the boundaries of variation in severe language endangerment? A pilot on production and perception of the subjunctive mood in Francoprovençal’, UK Language Variation and Change (UKLVC) 14, University of Edinburgh (25th-28th June 2023).
- 2022
- Rodriguez-Ordonez, I. and J. R. Kasstan. ‘Speakerness as a social factor’, New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) 50, Stanford University (13th-15th October 2022).
- Kasstan, J. R. and G. Pearson. ‘Rethinking Research Ethics in the Humanities: Project update and next steps’, Ethnography Symposium, University of Suffolk (24th-26th August 2022).
- 2021
- Amos J. and J. R. Kasstan. ‘Weighing formal and variationist accounts of variable possessive construction in British English’, New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) 49, University of Texas [Online] (19th-24th October 2021).
- Amos J. and J. R. Kasstan. ‘Weighing accounts of variable possessive construction in British English: A view from Mersea’, Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB), Online (6th-9th September 2021).
- 2019
- Kasstan, J. R. & J. N. Stanford. ‘What's so standard about standards ?’, New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) 48, University of Oregon (10th - 12th October 2019) [Panel slides available here].
- Kasstan, J. R. & I. Rodriguez-Ordonez. ‘Learners and variationist theory: New speakers and new sources of variation’, Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE) 52, Universitat Leipzig (21st - 24th August 2019).
- 2018
- Kasstan, J. R. ‘Maintaining style in language death’, New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) 47, New York University (18th - 21st October 2018).
- Amos, J., Kasstan, J. R. & W. Johnson. ‘Reconsidering (t,d)-deletion as a single variable in English’, Annual Conference of the Linguistics Society of Great Britain (LAGB) 2018, University of Sheffield (11th - 14th September 2018).
- Kasstan J. R., Schifano, N., Sheehan, M. & A. Ledgeway. Linguistics in Modern Foreign Language A-Levels: Preliminary analysis of pilot data. Keynote to Theoretical Linguistics in Secondary Education workshop, 51st Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Tallinn University (29th August - 1st September 2018).
- Kasstan, J. R and U. Horesh. ‘Fresh insights on traditional variations methods in non-English contexts’, colloquium organised for Sociolinguistics Symposium 22, University of Auckland (22nd - 30th June 2018).
- Kasstan, J. R. ‘Back in style? Language revitalisation efforts and new sociolinguistic norms in Francoprovençal’, Sociolinguistics Symposium 22, University of Auckland (22nd - 30th June 2018).
- Kasstan, J. R. ‘Models and methods for exploring sociolinguistic variation and new speaker identities’, Sociolinguistics Symposium 22, University of Auckland (22nd - 30th June 2018).
- 2017
- Amos, J. Kasstan, J R. and W. Johnson. ‘New perspectives on T/D deletion’, Poster presented at UK Language Variation and Change (UKLVC) 11, University of Cardiff (29th-31st August 2017) [Handout].
- Karatsareas, P. and Kasstan J. R. ‘New historical perspectives on non-dominant speakers as agents of contact-induced language change’, workshop organised for International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL) 23, University of Texas, San Antonio (31st July-4th August 2017).
- Kasstan J. R. ‘On new speakers and diversifying variationist sociolinguistics’, Approaches to Migration, Language and Identity, Université de Lausanne (4th-6th May 2017).
- 2016
- Kasstan J. R. ‘New speakers as agents of change: evidence from Francoprovençal’, Borderlands Linguistics Conference, University of Bristol (27th-28th June 2016).
- Kasstan J. R. and Auer, A. ‘Exploring attitude and prestige in the ‘heritage language’ context: a cross-linguistic perspective’, colloquium organised for Sociolinguistics Symposium 21, Universidad de Murcia (15th-18th June 2016).
- Sallabank, J. and Kasstan, J. R. ‘Deficit and new values in the linguistic market for small languages’, COST New Speakers Whole Action Conference, Universität Hamburg (12th-14th May 2016).
- 2015
- Kasstan J. R. ‘New speakers as agents of social and linguistic change in Francoprovençal-speaking communities’, New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) 44, University of Toronto (22nd-25th October 2015).
- Kasstan J. R. ‘Convergence and divergence in Francoprovençal: new speaker networks as sources of linguistic innovation in obsolescent dialect communities’, panel on ‘Minority languages in Europe’, International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE) 8, Universität Leipzig (27th-29th May 2015).
- 2014
- Kasstan J. R. and Woolhiser, C. ‘The native/non-native dichotomy and questions of language ownership: findings from studies on new speakers of Francoprovençal and Belarusian’, Sociolinguistics Symposium 20, University of Jyväskylä (15th-18th June 2014).
- 2013
- Kasstan, J. R. ‘A social network approach to variation in obsolescent Francoprovençal’, UK Language Variation and Change 9, University of Sheffield (September 2013).
- Kasstan, J. R. ‘Towards a pan-regional orthography for obsolescent Francoprovençal’, Language Endangerment III: Language Policy and Planning, University of Cambridge (July 2013).
- Kasstan, J. R. ‘Standardisation through the back door? Neo-speakers and “distanciation strategies” in Francoprovençal’, Association for French Language Studies, Université de Perpignan (June 2013).
- Kasstan, J. R. ‘Towards reconciling a pan-regional identity for Francoprovençal speakers’, I-MEAN 3: Identity and Language Conference, University of the West of England (April 2013).
- 2012
- Kasstan, J. R. ‘Emerging néo-speakers: implications for regional varieties and language shift’, Regional Varieties, Language shift and Linguistic Identities, University of Aston (September 2012).
- Kasstan, J. R. ‘The changing representation and denomination of France's regional varieties: a case study of Francoprovençal’, Association for French Language Studies, University of Newcastle (June 2012).
- Kasstan, J. R. ‘Francoprovençal: challenging traditional models of obsolescence’, 6en Obrador de Lingüistica Occitana, Université de Toulouse 2 (March 2012).
- 2009
- Kasstan, J. R. ‘Geminate /l/ in British English: Deliberate control of articulatory gestures, or surface effect as a result of gestural overlap’, Graduate Linguistics Workshop, University of Cambridge (November 2009). [Paper]

Copyright © 2014-Present – Jonathan R. Kasstan