A vast amount of investigation and study is shown by Mr Alfred Watkins’s work on “Early British Trackways, Moats, Mounts, Camps, and Sites,” which has just been published by Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, and Co., Ltd., and the Watkins Meter Co., Hereford. Mr Watkins is fellow and Progress Medallist (for 1910) of the Royal Photographic Society, and a past president of (1919) of the Woolhope Club. The substance of his labours were given to the Woolhope Naturalists’ Field Club at Hereford in September, 1921 and there are many students, as well as antiquaries generally who will be glad of the opportunity afforded by this book of learning the result of his extensive researches which not only reveals for the first time a systematic planning of pre-historic trackways, but throws a flood of light on the evolution of defensive camps, of the sites of castles and churches, and on the meaning of place names. It also provides a new objective for field ramblers and scout masters.
Source info: MS note by AW “Bristol Observer June 17”.