Sir,—I am interested to learn whether any local topographers have tested the ley system discovered by Mr. Watkins by applying it to Devonian sites. If they have done so, have they found support for his arguments, or have they come to the conclusion that camps, moats, barrows, followed the lines of existing track-ways rather than that they were placed in position as guides for surveyors when tracks were being laid out?
Are there any topographers who would contend that the origin of Devonian sites, mounds, &c., as distinct from towns, is undoubtedly connected with the Stonehenge unit? The straight line from the monoliths of Stonehenge to those of Avebury forms the unit of measurement (approx. 18 miles or 20 Roman miles). The sides of the triangle to Silchester are double this unit. Can this unit, its half or double, be traced in this county?
My being a newcomer must be my excuse for troubling you with these questions.
(Rev. Dr.) H. G. PICKARD.
Aylesbeare Vicarage, Exeter, October 2.
Source info: MS notes by AW “Western Morning News”, “Oct 4/22”.
Watkins replied to this query with some suggestions for ley research in Devon.