There are some scientists, eminent in their own fields and who carry out excellent work, who seem to have what can only be termed blind spots. Sir William Herschel, discoverer of the planet Uranus and arguably the greatest observer of all time, firmly believed the Sun to be inhabited. Much more recently, the pioneer meteor astronomer and cosmologist Ernst Opik maintained that political revolutions in Earth were associated with sunspots. And going back to the last century, there is the strange case of the Astronomer Royal for Scotland, Charles Piazzi Smyth.
Smyth was born in 1819, and at an early age showed that he had immense ability. He was without doubt an excellent astronomer, and his appointment in Scotland was based purely on merit. His ‘blind spot’ concerned those remarkable structures, the pyramids of Egypt, and in particular, the Great Pyramid of Giza.
Apparently his attention was drawn to it by a book The Great Pyramid: Why was it built and who built it? written in 1859 by John Taylor, a London publisher. Taylor, who seems never to have been to the Great Pyramid himself, was convinced that it was set up by the Israelites under the direct supervision of God, and that its dimensions, when measured in units very close to the British inch, were linked to the size of the Earth and the length of the year. He was also the first person to point out that the pyramid enshrined the number pi, the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle – but more of this later. Unlike Taylor, Smyth actually went to Egypt to make an on-the-spot investigation, and eventually he may be said to have out-Taylored Taylor. His book Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid, first published in 1864, but which ran into five ever-expanding editions, the last of which appeared in 1890, is a classic of Independent Thought.
Thus, the base of the Great Pyramid symbolises the length of the year, the divinely appointed unit of time, and its height represents the distance of the Earth from the Sun. The entrance passage leading to the interior of the pyramid is oriented towards the pole of the sky, about which the Earth turns ceaselessly, regulating the days and nights, and the site on which the pyramid stands was chosen to be at the very centre of the habitable land surface of the entire globe.
But the pyramid is also a monument of prophecy. Smyth (following Taylor) devised a unit of measurement called the pyramid inch and using it he showed that the events of biblical history were symbolised in the arrangement of the passages and chambers within the pyramid, one pyramid inch of stone representing a year of time.
Nor is it just the events of the past that are shown. The future is there too for those who know how to go about finding it. So it has come about that, since Smyth’s time, a wearisome number of books have prophesied the End of the World on the basis of the Great Pyramid’s nooks and crannies. In 1912, for example, a Colonel Garnier, in his book The Great Pyramid: its Builder and its Prophecy – with a Review of the Corresponding Prophecies of Scripture relating to Coming Events and the Approaching End of the Age, predicted that in 1917 all the fountains and rivers of the world would turn to blood, and that the Mediterranean Sea would turn thick and viscid. Again, in 1957, Adam Rutherford – author of a massive four-volume work Pyramidology, and founder of the Institute of Pyramidology here in England – predicted Divine Judgements and the end of the present world order for 1979.
Fig. 6.1
We give an adapted version of Dr Rutherford’s scheme in Fig. 6.1. The entrance to the pyramid represents 2623 BC, the date at which, according to Dr Rutherford, the Great Pyramid was built. The Descending Passage represents the Fall of Adamic Man, 1453 BC being the date of the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, and 1521 AD the beginning of the Reformation. Going up the Ascending Passage, 33 AD represents the Crucifixion of Christ, and the Grand Gallery, ending in 1914 with the First World War, represents the Christian Dispensation. The King’s Chamber represents the New Heaven, and the Queen’s Chamber the New Earth, that will be inhabited by Adamic Man following the 1000 years’ reign of Christ and his saints, this starting in 1979 and finishing in 2979. The year 1979 was to be the Annus Mirabilis: the prophet Daniel would be raised from the dead in that year, and Jerusalem would become the Central Capital City of the whole world. Alas, Dr Rutherford died in 1974, so his explanation of why things didn’t quite turn out as the Great Pyramid indicated must forever remain unknown.
All the foregoing is quite well known, and we mention it by way of introduction to one of the finest pieces of pyramid lunacy ever to be published: W. Hamish F. MacHuisdean’s book The Great Law (1924).
Most books on pyramidology and the ‘science’ of the Great Pyramid tend to be rather dull, somewhat technical, and heavily larded with biblical symbolism. Not so The Great Law, which is written in the form of a play, “so that one of Cranston’s waitresses and a first class brain may understand it”, we are told in the preface. The dramatis personae are:
The Boss, Who is the Revealer.
Jack, The youthful hubby of Bud.
Bud, The youthfuller spouse of Jack.
Sandy Bagster, The financial adviser to the Stunt.
By way of explanation, Jack and Bud are an everyday couple. The Boss is the pyramidologist incarnate, who reveals great pyramid truths to Jack. Sandy Bagster is the man with the money, whom Jack tries to persuade to finance the Stunt – the spreading of the Great Pyramid’s message.
The play opens thus:
Scene: A sitting room in a flat in Riddrie. The only occupants are Bud and Jack. Bud is sitting, just as a nice girl should sit, in a chair, and Jack is, as usual, sitting on the edge of the table, smoking a fag. Bud is intently scanning a chart of the cross-section of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh which Jack has just purchased and pinned over one of Bud’s pet pictures. Jack says nothing, as he is waiting in silence, knowing that Bud must soon speak or burst.
And this is how the dialogue opens:
Bud. Well, Jack, after getting over it with both optics, I can’t say that I’m particularly impressed with it as a desirable dwelling place for a young newly married couple. What is special about it, anyway?
Jack. Why, old thing, it is the only building on earth right round and back to Ecclefechan that was built on squaring the circle. It does not do it only once; it keeps on doing it, and that’s what riles the big noises among the astronomers and mathematicians. They can’t square the circle any more than Jimmy Dalrymple’s sparkies can lift first prize as the Aurora Borealis.
Before going any further, we had better pause and explain this business of squaring the circle.
The problem was initially one posed by the ancient Greeks, who were very partial to setting themselves geometrical puzzles. The object was to construct a circle having either the same perimeter or the same area as a given square, but with the proviso that only an unmarked straight-edge and a pair of compasses were to be used in the construction. And it had to be done exactly.
Over the centuries many earnest minds puzzled over the problem without ever solving it. In fact, the story of the circle squarers is itself an interesting study in Independent Thought. However, in 1882, it was finally proved that such a construction was impossible, and that the circle squarers had been labouring in vain.
Returning to the Great Pyramid, now, if one takes the perimeter of the pyramid’s base, and divides it by twice the vertical height, one gets a quantity which is very close to pi in value. In other words, the height of the Great Pyramid is the radius of a circle which has the same perimeter as the square base of the pyramid. This fact was first noticed by John Taylor in 1859. Since this was more than twenty years before circle squaring was proved impossible, Taylor’s observation of pi in the Great Pyramid led to the now famous myth that the Egyptians had somehow cracked the problem of squaring the circle and had embodied their construction in the Great Pyramid itself.
In actual fact, the Great Pyramid only approximately squares the circle, and quite by accident. The explanation of just how this came about is too long to go into here, though it is a simple enough matter of gradients. The plain facts of the matter are that the squaring of the circle, as posed by the Greeks, was a problem quite unknown to the pyramid builders, and that there is a simple explanation of Taylor’s observation. However, you would be quite unwise to try to tell this to a dedicated pyramidologist, even today. We have tried, and we can assure our readers that it wasn’t worth the effort. And it certainly wouldn’t have been worth trying to tell Mr MacHuisdean, who not only believed that the Egyptians, under divine guidance, had squared the circle in the Great Pyramid, but also that they had “duplicated the cube”, another geometrical impossibility. But then that is another story.
So, here is Jack explaining to Bud the nature of the problem and the shattering implications of the Great Pyramid for modern mathematicians who believe that circle squaring is impossible:
Well, Bud, the big idea seems to be to get a square of a certain area constructed direct over a circle of exactly similar area, but although every top-notcher since the years of the short corn has had a shot at it, no single blighter, or married blighter, has ever solved it, except, of course, the Boss. Now, whoever solves the blinking puzzle will be able to spot the winners, find the queen, and burst up all the bookies’ coupons. It will muck up all the Gaming Laws and knock the Scottish Football Association’s place off the map. … Anyhow, Bud, this squaring is new. It is something to write home about, for it will give you pi to the nearest blank file of decimals, form fours with the autumnal equinoxes and give the sol-fa notation of the evening star. It might also help Kern Rivers to buck up and pay a decent divvy again and solve the latest Fair Isle jumper jazz design. You put your bottom dollar on the Boss’s squaring stunt, and touch wood.
Later in the play Bud asks Jack if every maths professor will lose his job when the truth of the Great Pyramid hits the headlines. Jack replies:
Not a bit of it, Bud. They’ll raise his screw and give him the O.B.E. You know, if I, even this bright lad, went along to the big noise in the Glasgow University, or Cambridge, or Skerry’s College, bunged in my card – the Ace of Diamonds – and shot-up the Senate and told them I could square the circle, double the cube, trisect the angle, and juggle with rhomboids, trombones, polygons, tesseracts, samovars and droskies, etc, and so forth, three in the air and one sliding round my port eyebrow, would I land a job at a thousand a year? I’d land on my ear on the syver. … They have made up their minds that the circle can’t be squared and a charge of dynamite won’t shift them: nothing but the income-tax man.
We’d dearly like to know if The Great Law was ever actually performed as a play on stage. We doubt it – but then you never know. Some very queer things go on in the theatre.
But whatever became of his play, The Great Law was not the last that the world heard from Mr MacHuisdean. In 1943 he published a booklet of 52 pages entitled Yesterday’s Impossibilities. Needless to say, in it he squares the circle with ease, being, as he puts it, “a commando of the finite school”; he duplicates the cube, by challenging orthodox mathematicians to answer the question “how can one geometrise with a quantity that won’t stand still?”; and he trisects the angle, another feat which conventional mathematicians say is impossible using only ruler and compasses, by taking “a small part of the largest circle in the universe.” Having solved three great impossibilities before breakfast, as it were, he then goes on to consider “The Circle as a Straight Line”, “The Mass of the Hydrogen Proton” and the knotty problem of “Does 1 squared = 2?” (Regarding this last, he writes: “Are we to maintain the fiction here that 2 = 1² + 1 instead of 1² = 2?” – adding that, “the shuttlecock 1, which is constantly subtracted, is the Wandering Jew in the number world.” There is not a lot one can say about that really.…)
But continuing our theme of looking into the more curious corners of the strange field of pyramid interpretation, we turn to Conar MacDari’s extraordinary book Irish Wisdom (1923). It is a masterpiece of Independent Thought.
Its main thesis is that civilisation began in Ireland, and spread from there under the guidance of the Irish Magian Priests of the sun God Iesa. Agriculture, astronomy, navigation, medicine, chemistry and mathematics were all born in Ireland. Atlantis was, in fact, Ireland.
Colonising the shores of the Mediterranean, the Irish were responsible for the foundation of Rome. The very name (in Irish) proves this: Ro = Heaven and Ome = Earth. Hence Rome = Ro-Ome = City of Heaven and Earth = the Eternal City etc.
The Irish were responsible for the foundation of civilisation in Egypt, Persia, India and the Americas. They built the Great Pyramid as a Temple of Initiation into the mysteries of the Sun God, Iesa – hence the name of the plateau on which the pyramid stands, Giza. And they left their mark on the mythology, geography, and language of almost all the known world. Taoism was born in Ireland, the original Hercules was an Irish hero whose legend was adopted by the Greeks, and Hebrew, Sanskrit and Latin are all derivatives of the Irish tongue. Irish, we might add, was the language of Adam and Eve.
But strangest of all is Mr MacDari’s theory that the entire Bible is a plagiarised book of Old Irish myths. The plot thickens here because the plagiarism is part and parcel of a dastardly plot by the Roman Catholic Church to take over the entire world.
There is no doubt about it, Mr MacDari claims, the Bible is a book of Irish origin, and a long line of unscrupulous popes were responsible for the deliberate suppression of the old religion and all traces of Irish culture.
Let’s start with the Bible. The whole book revolves about a cycle of Irish Sun myths, Mr MacDari claims. For example, the name Abraham is made up of three Irish words, Ab meaning ‘father’, Rah meaning ‘the revolving Sun’ and Am meaning ‘time’. Thus Ab-Rah-Am means, literally, ‘Lord of the Seasons’, a clear reference to the Sun. Further, in the biblical narrative, Abraham came from Ur, a city in Chaldea. Mr MacDari claims that in Irish Ur = Fire, and that Chaldea is a name based on the Irish word Caul = secret or hidden. Finally, Abraham’s two wives were Sarah and Hagar, the first coming from the Irish Sore = delight, symbolising day, and the second from Acor = desire, symbolising night.
The Sun god Iesa makes two obvious biblical appearances, one as the prophet Isaiah = Iesa-ah = prophet of Iesa, and the other in Jesus, of whom more presently. Mr MacDari points out that Bethlehem comes from a compound of Irish words, Beth-lah-em meaning ‘house of the day’, a fitting birth place for the Sun god Jesus-Iesa!
Of course, Mr MacDari was aware that his views clashed somewhat with a long chain of seemingly watertight historical fact. But then he had a ready answer to that too: almost the whole of orthodox history is faked. In its zeal to obliterate the true origins of Christianity, the Roman Church literally re-wrote the history books according to its own formula.
Totally fictitious histories were passed off as factual, and backed up by forged documentation. Julius Caesar was one such concoction, and St. Patrick another. “Saint Patrick is a bogus personage,” Mr MacDari wrote, “set up to deceive the Irish Catholics.” Another notable fictitious character was Constantine the Great, and the histories of Herodotus were, from start to finish, just another papal fraud.
Naturally, all traces of the Old Religion had to be obliterated if Christianity was to ‘stick’. Accordingly, expeditions were launched to far-flung corners of the world to destroy all traces of Irish colonisation. The Crusades to the Middle East were actually launched for the purposes of altering various place names there so as to back up the new and fictitious Bible. The wholesale slaughter and vandalism of Cortez and his cronies in South America was similarly launched for the purposes of destroying all traces of Irish colonisation there. In Ireland itself, the pope hired the English to obliterate ‘true history’ through their repeated invasions of Irish soil. Finally, the Roman Church deliberately plunged the world into the dark ages as a cover for their plans to stamp out the old and bring in the new.
If you are bemused by the audacity of this theory, you should read it in the original, for Irish Wisdom is a very readable book. Here, for example, is Mr MacDari expounding on how the “Romanist tricksters” got their fictitious Jesus:
Through this campaign of destruction and silence, bolstered up by a false history, Rome figured that none would ever know of the part she played in the undermining of the great Irish Church or the Religion of Iesa. Iesa was the Irish symbolical saviour, crucified on the cross, and from him Rome got her saviour ‘Jesu’, substituting the letter j for i. It is translated into the English language as Jesus.
It was the worship of Iesa, more than any other religion, that prevailed among the people of Europe at the time the Church of Rome began her mission to plunge the world into ignorance and darkness in order that mankind might forget all of the past. Her intention, no doubt, was to destroy all evidence (and she thought she had succeeded well in doing so) by which men in future ages might be able to refute the false and absurd statements which she has given out regarding the source from which she got her Saviour Jesus and her Bible. She appropriated them from the Irish, and, to cover up this fact, committed the most heinous and awful crimes against mankind. They were crimes which involved persecutions, slaughter, and untold suffering, the misery and effects of which have remained with us to this day.
But let’s get back to the Great Pyramid. As we said earlier, it was built by the Irish as a temple of initiation into the mysteries of the Old Religion. The name of the plateau on which it stands, Giza, is derived from the same root as the name Jesus – namely, that of the sun God, Iesa. Lastly, the builder of the Great Pyramid, the pharaoh Cheops, is one of those historical fabrications we mentioned above. His name is obtained by spelling the Irish word for ‘spirit’ (speech) backwards!
When the popes sent their emissaries around the globe to obliterate all traces of Irish influence, one of the things they did was to close up the pyramids and to strip them of their outer limestone casings. (For some reason the casings would have given the papal game away.) They then set about promoting the view that the pyramids were actually just outsized pharaonic tombstones – a misconception that continues to fog the vision of today’s archaeologists.
As for the Irish origin of the word ‘pyramid’, well, let Mr MacDari himself explain that one:
The word Pyramid is formed from the Irish word Peir, meaning the buttocks or hips, and the English word Amid, meaning literally the middle of the hips or buttocks, the phallus, or organ of sex; and, by changing the form of the word for deceptive purposes, they (i.e. the Roman Catholic Church) have made it pyramid.
The symbolism here is quite involved. According to Mr MacDari the Giza group of pyramids were symbolic of various levels of human existence. The Great Pyramid represents the sex principle, and we feel our readers will find everything crystal clear when we point out that since man is born through the medium of sex, the phallus may be taken to represent the creative power of the Sun God, and this may in its turn denote “the Spirit of God, and its regenerative power in man.”
If this isn’t at all clear, we suggest that our readers consult Mr MacDari’s book for themselves!
One would perhaps think that a theory as strange as Mr MacDari’s would not attract many followers today, but no! His ideas have been taken up, and expanded upon, by an Irish-American by the name of Michael Tsarion, in his book The Irish Origins of Civilisation. Mr Tsarion, who is an expert on the occult history of both Ireland and America, not to mention psychic vampirism, has also written a book entitled Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation, and another on Astro-Theology. You can find details at:
But getting back to the Great Pyramid, it is worth pausing to ask why it has such a perennial fascination for Independent Thinkers.
Its sheer size is certainly one factor. Each side of its base is 755 feet long and its vertical height was originally about 481 feet. But even these figures do not convey the sheer size of the monument. Its square base takes up an area of no less than 13 acres, and people have amused themselves by calculating that the houses of Parliament and St Paul’s Cathedral could be contained in the area of its base with ample room to spare.
Granting the size of the thing, what really sets the Independent Thinkers going is the claim of the orthodox archaeologists that this incredible mountain of stone was intended as a tomb for one man, the pharaoh Cheops.
For ourselves, we do not doubt that the archaeologists are quite right in their assertions. The pharaoh was a god, and in the name of religion men do seemingly irrational things, like torturing women into confessing that they are witches, and then burning them at the stake.
For many Independent Thinkers, though, the Great Pyramid just has to be more than a tomb. Many of the resulting theories are of an occult or supernatural nature. Many – but by no means all.
In 1845 a Frenchman claimed that the pyramids were built as barriers against “the sandy interruptions of the desert.” At about the same time, an Englishman was claiming them as the storehouses of the Queen of Sheba’s gifts, and a Swede that they were “contrivances for purifying the water of the muddy Nile.” In medieval Europe the view prevailed that the pyramids had actually been Joseph’s Granaries, though in Arabia there was a strong tradition that they were built for the preservation of learned manuscripts at the time of the Flood.
In 1962, though, Edward J. Kunkel entered the arena with his 84-page booklet Pharaoh’s Pump.
Mr Kunkel’s theory is that the passages and chambers of the Great Pyramid are the conduits and reservoirs of a gigantic water pump. Of course, the pyramid was possibly intended to serve as a monument as well, but nevertheless its primary purpose was to serve as “Pharaoh’s Pump”.
In fact, Mr Kunkel tells us, the huge stone blocks of the pyramid were manoeuvred on wooden barges, which were floated into position via a network of locks and canals. The water level in these was raised or lowered, as required, by the central pyramid pump.
Once completed, the pyramid could be used to pump water out to the desert regions, thus enabling crops to be grown there. In such an irrigation project, the pyramid could have been helped out by the Sphinx, since, according to Mr Kunkel, the Sphinx is hollow, and may have been intended as a sort of booster pump for the Great Pyramid itself.
Not being well versed in hydraulics, we neither of us follow some of Mr Kunkel’s reasoning, but he does claim that a scale model of the Great Pyramid’s interior catapulted half a gallon of water up to a distance of 22 feet, which is quite something. In fact, Mr Kunkel includes in his booklet some photographs of these extraordinary proceedings, presumably to prove to the world that his theory really does hold water, if you’ll pardon the expression.
Some years ago, Mr Kunkel patented his Hydraulic Ram Pump, an adaptation of “Pharaoh’s Pump”. He writes:
To be sure, modern gadgets have been added to it to conform with certain Patent Office regulations, but basically the modern ram pump is identical to the ancient ram pump. In this respect, not a thing has been changed. I, really, am not the inventor of this pump. It was invented thousands of years ago in Ancient Egypt. All I did was supply the missing parts.
To this Mr Kunkel adds a postscript: his idea has yet to earn him “50 bucks” for forty years’ work. He has also yet to earn a glimmer of recognition from orthodox archaeologists, who persist in their belief that the Great Pyramid is a tomb and nothing but a tomb.
Incidentally, Mr Kunkel, like Mr MacDari, has acquired his followers and we are pleased to note that there is now an organisation known as the Pharaoh’s Pump Foundation which actively promotes Mr Kunkel’s ideas. See their web-site at: For a delightful animated view of the Great Pyramid Water Pump in action, see:
In the latter part of the twentieth century, the Great Pyramid entered the Space Age, and became the focus of attention for those gentlemen (for no ladies appear to be involved) who persist in seeing extraterrestrial influence in every nook and cranny of world history.
W.R. Drake, in his book Gods and Spacemen in the Ancient East (1968), claimed that the Great Pyramid was a space-beacon. He wrote:
Sensitives today claim that the Great Pyramid still radiates magnetic force and that the immense blocks of stone were levitated by extraterrestrials utilising anti-gravity or sonic vibrations, perhaps the same power motivating the spaceships.
Erich von Däniken, that champion of the Space Gods and well-known hotelier, even went so far as to claim that without alien help, the Great Pyramid could never have been built. He wrote:
Today, in the twentieth century, no architect could build a copy of the pyramid of Cheops, even if the technical resources of every continent were at his disposal.
One day, feeling in a quizzical sort of mood, we put Mr von Däniken’s ‘challenge’ to Wimpey’s construction company. Having quoted the ‘challenge’, we feel it only fair that we should quote Wimpey’s reply to it. It came from Mr R.C. Vowels, their Chief Public Relations Officer, and after stating that Mr von Däniken’s claim seemed to be something of an exaggeration, it concluded thus:
We see no reason why the great Pyramid should not be built using modern construction methods. Such an enterprise would, however, cost a great deal of money and we rather doubt whether in present times anyone would wish to sponsor such an undertaking.
But the most curious of all space age incursions into the field of pyramid speculation is undoubtedly George Hunt Williamson’s book The Secret Places of the Lion (1958).
The basic idea is that the human race is being guided from beasthood to godhood by “The Goodly Company”, a race of beings who came to Earth from space eighteen million years ago. These superior beings regularly reincarnate themselves in human form in order to be able to pursue their mission, and to us they appear as the outstanding leaders and innovators of history, as well as the various “gods” of world mythology. Thus, for example, Pythagoras, Buddha, and the Egyptian god of learning, Thoth, were all alien incarnations.
Naturally, the Goodly Company wield a great deal of occult power and transcendental wisdom, of which “the Lion” in Mr Williamson’s title is a fitting symbol. The “Secret Places” of the Lion are the repositories of this occult wisdom – rather like Time-Capsules containing messages from the Goodly Company to an ailing humanity. Solomon was one of the Goodly Company, and Solomon’s Temple one of the Secret Places of the Lion.
To go into the full ins and outs of Mr Williamson’s extraordinary reconstruction of world history would require more space than we can give it here. Suffice it to say that UFOs, space people, Atlanteans, teleportation, telepathy, reincarnation, prophecy, pyramidology and a host of other occult fancies combine together in such a fantastic danse macabre that one is left wondering if Mr Williamson is entirely serious. For example, in an appendix to his book, he reveals to the world the inside story of the reincarnational patterns of the Goodly Company. Thus, the prophet Isaiah, the philosopher Aristotle, the apostle John, and Leonardo da Vinci were all reincarnations of the same soul. Tutankhamun, on the other hand, was a reincarnated Venusian who later became, in succession, Aaron, Ezekiel, the father of John the Baptist and the Inca king, Atahualpa!
As for Mr Williamson’s reinterpretation of the Exodus, we freely admit to being more than a little puzzled. In his version, Moses, Aaron and pharaoh Rameses II are all on the same side – that of the Goodly Company. Apparently the Exodus was set up as part of an elaborate plot to undermine the Egyptian priesthood, a corrupt organisation that wanted to turn the powers of the Goodly Company to even more corrupt ends.
Needless to say, the pillar of cloud that guided the Exodus was a spaceship – flying saucers are actually the guardians of the Secret Places of the Lion – and it was this same spaceship that was to reappear many years later as the Star of Bethlehem. Christ, of course, was one of the Goodly Company, who in previous incarnations had been Gautama Buddha and Zoroaster.
Be that as it may, we must get back to the Great Pyramid, one of the most prominent Secret Places of the Lion.
Built by Atlanteans under the direct supervision of men from other worlds, sometime around 24,000 BC, its construction enshrines the esoteric secrets of number, weight and measure, as well as being a compendium in stone of sacred astronomical and astrological knowledge.
Within the Great Pyramid, Mr Williamson tells us, are a number of secret chambers containing manuscripts rescued from the burning library of Alexandria, as well as clay tablets and papyri which tell the story of the coming of the Space People to Egypt and of their great mission. Historical records from other planets are stored there as well, not to mention two mysterious crystal balls:
These objects were not solid crystal, but were made up of nine sections, fitted and locked together to form a globe or ball. As light passed through them, it was changed in a most unusual manner, and the past and future could be partially ascertained in the ball. However a certain amount of mental control was needed by the user during the period of concentration using the crystal ball.
These balls, Mr Williamson assures us, were used by the Goodly Company as time scanners, and in fact, it was by using one of them that the adept Nostradamus was able to make his remarkable prophecies.
We feel our readers will also be fascinated to learn that deep beneath the Great Pyramid is buried a giant spaceship. We are not sure why it was put there, or even how deep down it is, but Mr Williamson has it on the authority of a top-secret Peruvian manuscript that it is there.
Of the great Pyramid itself, Mr Williamson writes:
It will be revealed – and no doubt within a comparatively short time now – that there are many secret chambers within the Great Pyramid and that its true entrance lies under the silent object that is like lion and yet like a man – the Sphinx! It will not remain silent much longer. That celestial force which conquered the animal nature and resulted in a race of perfected human beings in a far distant ‘Golden Age’ enabled them to build a monument that would withstand the wear and tear of the ages and be a beacon light for fellow travellers along the same Great Path, a path that is narrow and sharp as a razor’s edge, a path filled with stones that bruise and cut the feet. As one persists, the stones become fewer – green, velvet grass and beautiful flowers spring up beside the way; the heart of the aspirant is cheered and strengthened, and he picks himself up again and yet again and goes on with eyes ever fixed on the flaming star in the distance.
The incomparable Great Pyramid shows us what was done in past ages, what is being done now, and what will be accomplished by future generations until all humanity shall kneel at the feet of God – Ultimate Perfection – for all of God’s children … for we are all his.
Going along, as we do, with the views of orthodox archaeologists that the great Pyramid was erected in the third millennium BC as the final resting place for the pharaoh Cheops, we often wonder what the Ancient Egyptians themselves would have said about some of the marvellous tales woven about their handiwork. What would they say if they could come back from the grave for a while to hear the theories of George Hunt Williamson, W. Hamish F. MacHuisdean, Conar MacDari or Edward Kunkel? And what would they have made of the extraordinary ideas of William E. Peterson, a structural and civil engineer of Seattle, Washington, USA?
Mr Peterson believes that the pyramids – Mexican and Egyptian – were once nuclear powered cannons for controlling the Earth’s rate of rotation, its axial tilt, and its orbital speed about the sun. In other words, the pyramids once acted like propulsion jets for a space-ship Earth, and could be used to control the journey of our planet through space. The pyramids were built, according to Mr Peterson, by the people who were later to become known as the Atlanteans – possibly a race of beings from outer space. Only later were these “pyramid cannons” appropriated as temples of the Sun in Mexico or tombs for the pharaohs in Egypt.
Mr Peterson came to formulate his theory through a study of the Earth’s wobbles and subsequent roll-overs. We deal with the ideas of polar shifting elsewhere in this book, so for the moment all we need to say is that Mr Peterson believes that accumulations of ice at the Earth’s poles cause it to wobble on its axis. Eventually the wobbles get so serious that the Earth flips over onto a new axis of spin through points that were formerly on its equator. The new equator is thus ice-bound as the former polar ice spreads out in a band around the Earth, and an Ice Age is the result. Gradually this equatorial ice melts and new polar ice builds up until conditions are ripe for yet another roll-over. Mr Peterson estimates that the period between roll-overs is about 110,000 years, and that each roll takes about 40 days to complete.
According to Mr Peterson, the effects of a roll-over are pretty drastic:
The Earth becomes like a gigantic washing machine with huge chunks of ice and rock propelled by waves up to 3 miles high scouring the continents.
Obviously, then, the Atlanteans – whether advanced earthlings or extraterrestrials – needed to prevent such disasters. Indeed, Mr Peterson believes that another such pole shift is imminent today, and that we should be doing something about it.
It was while he was toying with designs for nuclear cannons with which to control the Earth’s wobbles, in much the same way as propulsion jets are used to correct the motions of orbiting space-capsules, that Mr Peterson began to realise that the shape of what he was working towards was a pyramid!
Looking at the pyramids around the world, he noticed that most had central chambers at their bases, surmounted by tons of tight fitting stone blocks. If the central chamber were a fusion reactor it would require just such a strong, massive and heat-resistant casing to hold it in. Indeed, the word “pyramid” or “pyr-amid” suggests “fire in the middle” – a graphic description of the nuclear proceedings. A reactor, of course, requires a cooling system, and Mr Peterson interprets the mortuary temples and causeways associated with some Egyptian pyramids as the pump houses and water conduits of just such a cooling system. Finally, the entrance passages of the pyramids could be the barrels of the nuclear cannons that the Atlanteans needed to control the Earth’s wobble.
But mastery of the Earth’s motion was only one application of this pyramid nuclear energy. This same power could also have been used to generate electricity, purify water, or reclaim minerals and fertilisers from the sea. Not only this, but the pyramids are at the heart of the legend of the Fountain of Youth. According to Mr Peterson, if a series of pyramid cannons around the globe were made to evaporate large quantities of water vapour up into the atmosphere, this vapour would form clouds which, under the action of the Sun’s rays, would eventually result in the formation of a protective ozone canopy conducive to the prolongation of human life – perhaps up to the 1000-year spans recorded for the Biblical Patriarchs. Of these pyramids, Mr Peterson writes:
It has reached the point where I can explain what they looked like when operating, including appurtenant structures, and can explain the processes that went on. The straight line that went up from some of the pyramids appeared bowed from the ground. The builders said that the bow was their promise that the world would not have another flood. Also the by-product of the fusion reaction in the chamber (could be called the pot) at the base of the pyramid was gold. You have probably heard both of these expressions many times. Only this bow was probably confused with the rainbow. Also the arch of the covenant was confused with the ark of the covenant.
This pyramid gold, Mr Peterson claims, explains the origin of the term “Golden Age”, as well as admitting a new interpretation of the alchemical transmutation of base metals into gold.
There is another aspect of Mr Peterson’s theory that needs to be mentioned. The Great Pyramid itself has an interior layout quite unlike any straightforward pyramid fusion reactor, and this is a great mystery to Mr Peterson. “One of my pet theories,” he told us, “is that this pyramid was built deliberately to confuse earthlings. Perhaps to keep them from knowing what went on in the past. There is much evidence in ancient writings that advanced knowledge was considered harmful and was to be kept secret.”
Before the pyramid builders left, presumably for outer space, they took care to prepare a massive cover-up of the technology they left behind. That cover-up was effective until AD 1972 when Mr Peterson finally decoded their secret. It was all a matter of approaching the problem from the right angle. He writes:
The fact that I have been thinking about the concept of earth orbit control ever since the first sputnik went over, and started making calculations as early as 1960, it is not surprising that I should be the first to recognise the pyramids for what they are. … I am not offering this as a mere speculation that the pyramids were reactors. It is my conviction that they were definitely reactors, serving as ‘Fountains of Youth’ amongst other things, and in some cases as cannons.
Starting in 1972, Mr Peterson tried to convince various world governments that it might be worthwhile trying to switch the pyramids back on again. But in spite of the possibility that it might completely resolve the world’s food and energy crises, Mr Peterson’s pleas seem to have fallen on deaf governmental ears.
Undoubtedly the strangest pyramid craze to develop in recent years, largely in the USA (discovered by the Irish – as followers of Conar MacDari, we’ll have none of this Columbus jiggery popery!) is the cult of pyramid energy.
The idea stems from the notion that since the Egyptians buried their defunct pharaohs in pyramids, therefore the pyramid shape must have some sort of preservative power. It kept the mummies fresh, as it were.
This was the idea which occurred to a Frenchman called Antoine Bovis, who, whilst poking around the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid one day, discovered a perfectly mummified dead cat, and a few equally mummified bits and bats – particularly the latter.
Mr Bovis returned to France, built himself a scale model of the Great Pyramid, and placed a dead cat inside it, in a position which corresponded to that of the king’s Chamber in the great Pyramid itself. The cat mummified, Mr Bovis claimed.
He then experimented with other types of organic matter and claimed that in each experiment ‘mummification’ took place. Mr Bovis deduced from this that somehow the pyramid shape had a dehydrating effect upon the specimens placed inside it, the result of which was a slowing down of any decay process.
Mr Bovis’s work inspired what has probably become the classic case of pyramid energy use: the sharpening of blunted razor blades,
The first man to try this was one Karel Drbal of Prague. He found that by putting blunted razor blades in the King’s Chamber position of a correctly oriented model of the Great Pyramid (the edges of the base must point magnetic north-south and east-west) the razor blades became sharp again. Mr Drbal even patented his discovery as “The Cheops Pyramid Razor Blade Sharpener.”
Curious, we wrote to the Prague Patent Office, quoting the patent number, and asking for details. It seems that this innocent enquiry from the western world aroused some Iron Curtain suspicion (this was some 13 years before the collapse of communism). At any rate, the reply we received some weeks later, by international registered post, was curiously non-committal. It went like this:
With reference to your letter of July 19th, 1976, concerning “Cheops Pyramid Razor Blade Sharpener”, we are sorry to inform you, that Office for Inventions and Discoveries cannot furnish you with any information in this regard.
Whether it is on account of the collapse of communism or not, we are not clear, but in recent years details of the patent have become readily available on the internet. See: with the Czech version at: and facsimile of it at:
Incidentally talking of razor blades, it occurred to us to write to Gillette Laboratories about all this. Mr Jonathan Dickens, the manager of the Blade and Razor Division, very kindly replied as follows:
I have talked to our technical expert who was involved in conducting pyramid experiments and his comments would tend to counteract the “pulp” merchants. A supporter of the pyramid energy theory was allowed to set up pyramids with used razor blades placed within whilst a control was also set up. Not only was there no instrumentally detectable improvement following the treatment, but neither did this supporter experience the improvement he had previously encountered, even after a two-week period.
Other tests relying on purely instrumental measurements indicated no improvement to a blade’s condition wrought by a period within a pyramid. Consequently, as far as we are concerned, the claims of pyramid energy with regard to razor blades are highly questionable.
On the other hand, we suppose that supporters of pyramid energy might accuse Gillette Laboratories of having a vested commercial interest in the matter!
The above account of Messrs Drbal and Bovis was based on information contained in a book called Psi: Psychic Discoveries behind the Iron Curtain by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder, first published in 1970. Since then a host of pyramid energy books and articles have been published, including Lyall Watson’s well-known book Supernature, and a lot of new applications of pyramid power have appeared. Needless to say, there is also much on the subject to be found on the internet. Ostrander and Schroeder, however, can fairly be said to have set the pyramid energy ball rolling, at least in the western hemisphere.
You can, for example, preserve fruit and even fresh meat in a replica of the Great Pyramid. Some experimenters claim that these things will be preserved for up to several months. Of course, the meat or whatever will dehydrate – will mummify, if you like – but it will not spoil. It will, in fact, retain its flavour, and some people actually claim that the flavour will be enhanced.
Pyramid energy has also been used to keep milk fresh, to take the bitterness out of coffee, and to revitalise stale wine, simply by storing these things under a scale model of the Great Pyramid.
There are also some strange reports on the properties of water which has been left under a pyramid. If you water your pot plants (granny’s aspidistra, that is, not the illegal substance) with it, for example, they will grow stronger and faster than ever before. (There was a time when people used to talk to their plants to achieve this: nowadays they use pyramid-treated water, or simply keep their plants inside a pyramid for a couple of hours each day. The latter is supposed to work just as well.)
Another use of pyramid treated water is in the healing of wounds. Simply apply the pyramid water to the wound in question, and it will heal faster than normal. Or so we are told.
There must be hundreds of other pyramid claims and we’ll look at some of the really wild ones shortly. But just to be going on with, if you sit under a pyramid tent, or even just wear a pyramid hat, it is supposed to help you meditate, to achieve inner peace, as it were, and even to enhance your psychic powers. In Serge V. King’s Pyramid Energy Handbook (1977), for example, you will find a rather curious little photograph of a group of people, sat in a circle, and all wearing little pyramids on their heads. They all look happy enough, to be sure, but whether or not this is due solely to pyramid energy is debatable.
So how much truth is there in all this pyramid stuff? Having corresponded with various people who have experimented with pyramids, and having conducted pyramid experiments of our own, we are inclined to think that there is, unfortunately, very little basis for all these pyramid claims. But then we are rather sceptical types at the best of times.
One correspondent, Frank Dineen, said that he had had no success in razor blade sharpening, but that he knew someone who could “do it all the time”. Frank had also watered a cutting in a plant pot with pyramid water. The cutting flourished, alright, but the parent plant, in the same pot, withered and died.
Another correspondent, Frank Adey, said that he had tried rejuvenating stale wine under a pyramid, and that it had apparently worked. However, his surprise was tempered when it was pointed out to him that his pyramid was incorrectly aligned. He had placed the pyramid with its corners to the cardinal points, rather than its faces. As Frank wrote later: “I now have a sneaking suspicion that the same results might have been obtained if the wine had been stored under, say, a top hat.”
Another pyramid claim tested by Frank Adey was that of coin polishing. Pyramid energy is supposed to be able to remove the tarnish from coins, but Frank found that leaving an old penny beneath a pyramid for six weeks resulted in no noticeable difference.
Again, in 1979 some interesting experiments were carried out by two London daily newspapers. Various people were contacted, and asked to co-operate, which most of them did. The volunteers were of all types – scientists, sceptics and believers. The main test involved setting up a skeleton pyramid (the kit was provided), and placing underneath it some cheese. Outside the pyramid was placed some identical cheese – that is to say, of exactly the same vintage. The experiment was designed to see which cheese went mouldy first. All the experimenters agreed that the two pieces – pyramid protected and pyramid free – went mouldy at precisely the same rate!
Bob Forrest’s experiments in the field of pyramid energy were performed with the aid of that great British institution, the potato chip.
The reason for this choice of subject was simple: the pyramid is supposed to mummify by dehydration, and the uncooked potato chip is an ideal subject for testing dehydration. Not only that, but it doesn’t raise a stink if the experiment goes wrong.
He built himself a scale model of the Great Pyramid, with a little pedestal one third of the vertical height of the pyramid. Putting chips on top of the pedestal was thus equivalent to entombing the said chip in a King’s Chamber position. The pyramid was correctly orientated with its faces pointing to the cardinal points.
He also built another pyramid, with steeper sloping faces than the Great Pyramid, and also a rectangular box, so as to compare the effects of dehydration inside these with the effects obtained inside the Great Pyramid.
By weighing the chips at the start of the experiment, and weighing then again after three or four days inside their respective tombs, it was a simple matter to calculate the percentage weight loss due to dehydration. (It was far more difficult to explain to his colleagues at work why on earth he was periodically engaged in weighing potato chips, in various stages of decay, to an accuracy of a thousandth of a gram. But to continue…)
In a lengthy series of experiments, which were published in INFO Journal no. 21, he found that there was no difference whatsoever in the dehydration rate. The chip in the King’s Chamber position of a correctly aligned model of the Great Pyramid dehydrated at the same rate as another chip placed any-old-how in a rectangular box whose faces were not even aligned to the cardinal points.
When the results of these experiments were published, Bob expected a barrage of indignant letters. In the past his rather sceptical view of matters out-of-the-ordinary had brought in letters eager to point out the errors of his ways. Most of these were friendly, and only a few of them hostile. He had only one letter arising from the INFO article, and that was from a mystic in Fulham who had written several letters to him prior to the INFO article anyway, all of them telling him he was an ignoramus. The pyramid experiments merely prompted him to write again to reiterate his views on Bob’s spiritual damnation.
But to continue, the article “Notes on the Great Pyramid and the Mummification of the Potato” went totally unheeded, and the world of Independent Pyramid Energy Thought continued to plunge ever deeper into the abyss. In fact, pyramid energy became – and remains – a thriving business.
Thus, the Nick Edwards Environmental Systems Inc. of California announced its pyramid matrix system – lattices of inverted wire pyramids designed to be hung over the bed. “Enjoy the experience of sleeping under the most advanced system ever created,” the advert said. “Our matrix technology works like a giant lens to focus the energy fields for new highs in sex, meditation, dreams, psychic powers and well-being.” A five by five matrix (twenty-five pyramids in all) cost about $100; a three by three matrix, $40. At least, these were the prices when the advert appeared in 1976. There is no evidence, then, that pyramid power keeps prices down.…
There was also an advert published by Progress Books of New York, which began: “Let the amazing Prosperity Pyramid fill your life with Riches, Money, Cash, Gifts, Favors, Rewards, or anything else you want – EASILY.”
This extraordinary advert quoted several “I’ve tried it, and it sure as hell worked for me!” type affidavits from the general public, and these too were rather odd. For instance, one lady reported that only two days after “using this secret”, her ex-husband gave her an extra $300 alimony; a gentleman identified only by the initials M.Y. reported a sizeable win at the Tijuana dog races; a shy girl reported sending out a powerful blast of pyramid energy to a boy she was soft on, and within minutes he rang her to fix a date; another lonely girl procured for herself five eligible suitors in only three days, and all by a judicious application of pyramid energy.
The book on how it is all to be done used to be obtainable from Al G. Manning, the author, for a mere $2. We don’t have Mr Manning’s book ourselves, but his system is explained in Warren Smith’s book The Secret Forces of the Pyramids (1975):
Manning supplies a small cardboard pyramid. It is accompanied by several sheets of paper cut into triangles, “Blue is for healing, green for love”, Manning explained. “Orange is for mental power. Yellow denotes intuitive requests. The experimenter selects the triangular paper best suited for their request. Then the request is written on the paper.”
As an example, an experimenter wanting to cure an illness would select a blue piece of paper, writing their goals on that sheet. Manning has found that the request should be written in plain, simple language. “Next, the experimenter folds the paper between their palms,” Manning went on. The triangle of paper is then folded down to the base, then folded again so the paper ends up folded three times.
When this is done, the paper is placed in the base of a cardboard pyramid aligned to the north-south direction. Manning calls these requests “thought forms”. They’re laid in the bottom of the pyramid and the incubation period begins. This gestation time requires from three to nine days, according to Manning. The paper is then removed from the pyramid and burned. “This allows the thought form to be released,” said Manning.
Meanwhile, the House of Collingwood, of Rhode Island, used to offer a pyramid pendant for a mere $10. “You can have the secrets of the universe in the palm of your hand,” the advert explained. “Put it round your neck. See if you don’t feel more energetic, more alert, more attractive, more truly alive.” But they were cautious people at the House of Collingwood. This pyramid pendant, which was, by the way, unisex, might make lovemaking far more enjoyable, might even help improve your telepathic powers, but if it didn’t, well, the House of Collingwood did offer their customers a money-back guarantee.
But enough of the pyramid industry – one could make a hobby out of collecting these curious advertisements, and we cannot help thinking that the pyramid craze deserves a place in an updated version of Charles Mackay’s book Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, first published in the middle of the nineteenth century.
Two final applications of pyramid energy that we cannot resist citing here are to hairdressing and dentistry.
The first of these is discussed in Bill Kerrell and Kathy Goggin’s book The Guide to Pyramid Energy, published by Pyramid Power V Inc. in 1975. It concerns the bleaching of women’s hair. We quote:
By placing a wooden pyramid over a woman’s head after the bleach has been applied, facing one flat side towards magnetic north, and keeping the woman still, we found that the pyramid could shorten the bleaching process time. This finding also applies to the tinting of hair. The pyramid seems to keep the activity of the peroxide and bleach at its full bleaching power for a longer period of time. The pyramid treated hair was lightened to the same degree in 35 minutes that would ordinarily have required a full hour.
Incidentally, the authors of this curious book, which offers information about pyramids having been discovered on the Moon and Mars, reject as ‘suspect’ the claim from one lady that, “My baby, raised under a pyramid, began to talk when only six weeks old.”
The application to dentistry was reported in the USA National Enquirer for 10th August 1976. A Dr Paris Garefis, of Santa Monica, California, had suspended 72 pyramids, constructed from aluminium alloy rods, with their bases towards the ceiling, over his dentist’s chair.
He told the Enquirer that his patients felt less pain, and healed much quicker, when operated on beneath this pyramid complex.
We just hope that our own dentists never get wind of this!
Since the 1970s ideas on pyramid energy seem not to have changed much. On the internet you will find much discussion still about keeping food fresh and purifying water under pyramids, as well as the sharpening of razor blades and knives. You will find too, pyramid paraphernalia still advertised, as, for example, on the website at, where, at the time of writing (January 2013), you can buy pyramid frameworks for meditation purposes, for horticultural uses, or merely to keep your pet cat happy! But there are one or two new things to be found, as for example the rotating pyramid gamma ray transducer and negative ion generator, which, unfortunately, has a nasty habit of self-destructing occasionally! For details, see
But to finish off this chapter, we leave the bewildered reader with some late news (of 1970s vintage) of the proposed Pyramid of Aquarius. This was to be the world’s tallest man-made pyramid. It was to be built as a tribute to God, and would contain chambers at various levels. These chambers were to be used for psychic healing and metaphysical experiments, and multi-rapid-transit elevators would connect the various levels within it. It was to be built in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona or California, whichever gave the most favourable site. Alas, it never seems to have been built. Nevertheless, we here reproduce (Fig. 6.2) the strange circular which heralded this extraordinary structure.
Fig. 6.2 (front)
Fig. 6.2 (back)