Journal of Geomancy vol. 3 no. 4, July 1979



Albert Einstein, who, although lauded by conventional wisdom, by his invention of nuclear weapons may be classified as the greatest archcriminal against humanity who ever lived, possibly the instrument of ahrimanic forces, was born 100 years ago.  The ‘scientific community’ of the United States decided that a statue ought to be erected to commemorate the physicist.  Washington was chosen, and a vast sum of money set aside to complete the project.  It was decided that the effigy should be depicted seated, holding an open book in which a star map showing the celestial position at the time of his birth should be placed. 

This was agreed, and work went ahead.  Then, the paranoid establishment suddenly realized that a star map of the time of birth might be construed as natal astrology!  That could never do, connected with the founder of nuclear power and the apparatus of mass destruction, products of the Age of Reason.  So it was altered, and now shows the star map for the day of unveiling of the statue.  Thus the astrology of the statue and not Einstein is preserved for posterity! 

An ‘Anglo-Saxon’ village has just been opened near Bury in Suffolk.  It is supposed to be a reconstruction of the life-style of the Saxons in early medieval England.  Excavations have shown to the archaeologists’ surprise that the ‘huts’ actually had wooden floors.  The reconstructions, however do not recognize the geomantic features which were (and should be) fundamental features of the buildings.  Thus we have no roof features which figure so prominently in ancient manuscript illustrations of such buildings, no carved door or high seat pillars, no ornate woodwork or painted emblems – nothing, but the bare hutment work typical of a spiritually impoverished age like our own.  These reconstructors would do well to look at the German work of the 20s and 30s where good comparative studies of such things were made. 

IGR had a ‘presence’ at the Aquarian Festival at Brixton, where various geomantic people occupied a corner of the hall.  Friends, old and new, had a chance to meet and talk on subjects geomantic and esoteric and buy the latest JOG.  The Cambridge Symposium has now been put off owing to the uncertainty over fuel supplies and other transport difficulties.  We hope, however, to have a Third Symposium at Cambridge when things are stabilized.