Some old Meggies: Cleethorpes Directory for 1880, etc.

The Post Office Directory of Grimsby & Cleethorpes for 1880 was published in a single volume by Albert Gait Ltd, Grimsby (now Wyndeham Gait). There are separate sections for each town, each with its own pagination. At present, only the Cleethorpes section is reproduced here. (It has only 10 pages, against 164 for Grimsby.)

“M. S. & L. Ry. Co.” is the Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway Company, which played a large part in developing Cleethorpes as a seaside resort.

Many of the old Meggies were known by nicknames, some of which are listed here.

The digitized version contains the following Web pages:

Cleethorpes Street Directory, 1880
Cleethorpes Alphabetical List, 1880
Nicknames of some old Meggies, by Eliza Thickett (with notes by Michael Behrend)