Matched Brackets (Parentheses)

Problem: Enumerate (generate) all sequences of 'n' pairs of matched brackets (parentheses), where n ≥ 0.
Note that if [n] is a solution for n pairs, n≥1,
then it must be of the form  "(" [i] ")" [n-i-1],
where 0≤i<n, [i] is a solution for 'i' pairs, and [n-i-1] is a solution for 'n-i-1' pairs.

1. By Continuations

The problem is equivalent to generating all rooted, ordered, k-ary trees of n+1 nodes, e.g.,
 n=0   .   ~ ""

 n=5   .
      / \
     .   .
         | ~ "()((()()))"
        / \
       .   .   etc.

A solution using continuations [All88]:
function brackets(n)
 { var count = 0;

   function start(p)
    { print(cols(++count,3)+": \""); p(); }

   function finish()
    { print("\"\n"); };

   function b(before, n, after)
    { var i;

      function bPlus(q)
         function beforeOpen(p)
          { function openP()
             { print("("); p(); };

         function closeQ()
          { print(")"); q(); };

         b( beforeOpen, i, closeQ );

      if( n==0 /*done*/) before( after );
      else for( i = 0; i < n; i ++ )
             b( bPlus, n-i-1, after );

   b(start, n, finish);

   return count;
brackets(n) is a wrapper.
b(before,n,after) does most of the work.
before, and after are continuations [All88] (functions) to be called in front of, and following, each solution for n.
bplus is the continuation to call in front of each part-solution generated by b(bPlus, n-i-1, after)
If '(' < ')', the solutions are generated in reverse lexicographical order.
Exercise: Make them come out in lexicographical (alphabetic) order.
Another angle on the problem is to generate all sequences of n '('s and n ')'s, such that every prefix, S1..i, of a sequence, S1..2n, contains at least as many '('s as ')'s. This recalls ways of encoding trees and large integers [AKS21] efficiently.
Thanks to njh for reminding me of an old problem LA, 8/2012.

2. By Choices


A more conventional "choosing" algorithm:
function brackets2(n)
 { var count=0, state=new Array();

   function b(depth, nOpen, nClose)
    { if( nOpen+nClose <= 0 ) // done, have a solution
       { print(cols(++count,3)+': "');
         for( var i = 0; i < depth; i ++ ) print(state[i]);
       { if( nOpen > 0 )
          { state[depth] = "(";
         if( nClose > nOpen )
          { state[depth] = ")";
    }  }//b(depth,nOpen,nClose)

  b(0, n, n);
  return count;
The key point is that at the start of b(,,) no prefix of state[0..depth-1] contains more ")"s than "("s.

3. References

[All88] L. Allison, 'Some Applications of Continuations', Computer Journal, 31(1), pp.9-11, doi:10.1093/comjnl/31.1.9, February 1988.
[AKS21] L. Allison, A. S. Konakurthu & D. F. Schmidt, 'On Universal Codes for Integers: Wallace Tree, Elias Omega and Beyond', Data Compression Conference, IEEE, pp.313-322, doi:10.1109/DCC50243.2021.000399, March 2021.
Also see Universal Codes.
And other publications.