Solar System

Prolog is excellent for queries on relational data (as in the Mathematical sense of a "relation"), e.g.,

Quantification of logical variables is implicit – universal (∀) for facts and rules, existential (∃) for queries – so the quantifiers are taken as read and omitted:

<= (also :- ) can be read as if, or as is implied by.
planet(P)<=orbits(P,sun).  can be read as ∀ P, P is a planet if P orbits the sun.
(That is not to say that the definition cannot be tightened.)
satellite(S)<=orbits(S,P) and planet(P).  ∀ S, S is a satellite if ∃ P s.t. S orbits P and P is a planet.
?satellite(S) does there exist an S such that S is a satellite?
And the answer, here, is yes, if S is earth's moon, or a moon of another planet.

There are more Prolog examples here.