Presentations to Rev. A. W. E. McComb, and Adoption by the Mohawk Tribe

The work of the Christian church in this diocese suffers a great loss in the approaching departure of Rev. A.W.E. McComb from St. Peter's and St. Luke’s Anglican parishes on the Six Nations Reserve, to England, where he hopes to secure an appointment as chaplain to the British forces. For the past three years Mr. McComb has been a familiar figure on the reserve, and could be seen travelling through the country almost daily, ministering to his people. Both churches of which he was rector, have been improved and beautified, and large sums of money given to mission work elsewhere and to the relief of the Belgians and Armenians. St. Peter’s church in the small village of Ohsweken, is a delightful surprise to strangers who visit it. Through the efforts of Rev. and Mrs. McComb it has been made a real school for the spiritual growth of all who enter, and is open daily for meditation and prayer. Both Father MeComb and his wife have endeared themselves to the people of the community, and their departure is deeply regretted.

On Sunday, May 16, the teachers and children of St. Peter’s Sunday school held a short service expressive of their love and thanks at which Rev. and Mrs. McComb were presented with a copy of Pauline Johnson’s work, "Flint and Feather" and a bouquet of roses.

Thursday evening, May 23rd, the people of both parishes gave a farewell banquet in St. Peter’s parish hall at which an address was read by Dr. W. Davis, while Mr. F S Johnson and Mrs. Roderick Hill presented the retiring rector and his wife with a handsome club bag, a purse of $50, and a ladies’ travelling case containing a beautiful mirror, brush, comb and clothes brush.

A unique feature of the evening was the adopting of Rev. and Mrs. McComb into the Mohawk tribe. The ceremony of adoption was conducted by chief J. S. Johnson, who gave to Rev. McComb the name "Ro-rih-wa-yen-to" (he planted the word or message), and to Mrs. McComb, "Yeh-rih-won-ha-wih" (she bears the word or message). The custom of adopting persons of another race into the Indian tribes dates back to 1390, and is a token of the honor and respect in which the recipients are held. Father and Mrs. McComb expect to leave about June 1, and the parishioners they leave behind will be very glad to have the prayers of all who are interested for the continuance of their work here and for their safe passage to England.