DCat2014-15 | Main | Venue | Program | Abstracts | Registration |
We propose a geometric setting leading to categorical braid group actions.
First we consider the quasi-coherent Hecke category QCHecke(G,B) for a reductive group G with a Borel subgroup B. We show that a monoidal action of QCHecke(G,B) on a triangulated category gives rise to a categorification of degenerate Hecke algebra representation known as Demazure Descent Data.
Next we replace the group G by the derived group scheme LG of topological loops with values in G and consider QCHecke(LG,LB). A monoidal action of the category QCHecke(LG,LB) gives rise to a categorical action of the affine Braid group.
Finally we present an example of the construction above coming from a category of equivariant matrix factorizations.
I will present a 'categorical' way of doing analytic geometry in which analytic geometry is seen as a precise analogue of algebraic geometry. Our approach works for both complex analytic geometry and p-adic analytic geometry in a uniform way. I will focus on the idea of an 'open set' as used in these various areas of math and how it is characterised categorically. In order to do this, we need to study algebras and their modules in the category of Banach spaces. The categorical characterization that we need uses homological algebra in these 'quasi-abelian' categories which is work of Schneiders and Prosmans. In fact, we work with the larger category of Ind-Banach spaces for reasons I will explain. This gives us a way to establish foundations of analytic geometry and to compare with the standard notions such as the theory of affinoid algebras, Grosse-Klonne's theory of dagger algebras (over-convergent functions), the theory of Stein domains and others. If time remains I will explain how this extends to a formulation of derived analytic geometry following the relative algebraic geometry approach of Toen, Vaquie and Vezzosi.
This is joint work with Federico Bambozzi (Regensburg) and Kobi Kremnizer (Oxford).
Let g be a finite-dimensional reductive Lie algebra defined over a field
k of characteristic zero. The set of all representations in g of a Lie
algebra A has a natural structure of an affine k-scheme, called the
representation scheme
In this talk, we will discuss a derived version of this geometric
construction obtained by extending the representation functor
to the category of DG Lie algebras
and deriving it in the sense of Quillen's homotopical algebra.
The corresponding derived scheme
is represented by a commutative DG algebra whose homology depends
only on A (and g) and called the representation homology of A in g.
We construct a canonical DG algebra map:
relating the G-invariant part of representation homology of A in g
to the W-invariant part of representation homology of A in a Cartan
subalgebra of g. We call this map the derived Harish-Chandra
homomorphism as it is a natural derived extension of the classical
restriction map.
We conjecture that, for a two-dimensional abelian Lie algebra A, the
derived Harish-Chandra homomorphism is a quasi-isomorphism. We provide
an evidence for this conjecture, including proofs in several special
cases. For a complex semisimple Lie algebra g, we compute the
(weighted) Euler characteristic of
in terms of matrix integrals over
a compact real form of G and compare it to the Euler characteristic of
This yields a remarkable constant term identity, which is
analogous to the famous Macdonald identity for g. We explain this
analogy by giving a new homological interpretation of the Macdonald
identities in terms of derived representation schemes, parallel to our
Harish-Chandra quasi-isomorphism conjecture.
(This is joint work with G. Felder, A. Ramadoss, A. Patotski and T. Willwacher)
We construct dg-enhancements for categories of representations of semi-simple real Lie groups and the geometric categories that give rise to them.
Candidate categories of spectral noncommutative motives are enriched over
As a consequence, understanding
and its
structure sheds light on structural properties of these categories of
motives. Moreover, Morava has recently speculated that these
categories can be studied using a Tannakian formalism involving the
(using the trace map
This talk is about recent work with Mike Mandell which describes
shows that the multiplication is nilpotent in positive degrees.
I describe how generalized matrix algebras and homotopes appear in different ways in the study of quasi-hereditary algebras. I show that for an arbitrary quasi-hereditary algebra they provide a description of the endomorphism algebra of irreducible projective objects. By means of homotopes I construct also a family of quasi-hereditary algebras numbered by Fibonacci sequences and assigned to birational morphisms of smooth surfaces.
We discuss the dg-gluing under suitable conditions on the cohomology of the gluing functor. We explain how the homotope construction appears in the problem of describing the glued abelian category of recollement and show how it works on some examples in geometry and representation theory.
I present an attempt (not yet successful, but hopefully illuminating) to give an explicit formula for the 2-shifted symplectic form on the derived stack of perfect complexes. The existence of this form was proved by Toën and Vezzosi, but their existence proof invokes the cobordism hypothesis, and thus their proof is essentially by (extremely difficult) obstruction theory.
This talk considers different incarnations of infinity local systems. It turns out these can be studied as categorifications of the cohomology of a topological space X, obtained by taking coefficients in the model category of differential graded categories. We consider both derived global sections of a constant presheaf and singular cohomology and find the resulting dg-categories are quasi-equivalent to each other and to homotopy locally constant sheaves on X and to representations of chains on the based loop space of X. We also give an explicit combinatorial description in terms of Maurer-Cartan elements.
I will present a refinement of the standard blow up of an ideal which has better categorical properties. In particular, it provides a step of a categorical resolution of singularities. This is a joint work with Dmitry Kaledin.
We give an interpretation of certain Maurer-Cartan elements in the formal
Hochschild complex of a small
in terms of torsion
Morita deformations. For a broad class of
-categories, and for
formal deformations, this yields a solution of the curvature problem, that
is the phenomenon that Hochschild cocycles naturally parametrize curved
We also discuss the difference with the infinitesimal deformation setup.
This is a report on joint work with Michel Van den Bergh.
We will discuss some interesting motivic measures and rationality of motivic zeta function.
In this talk, I will present an ongoing work (joint with D. Gepner). We develop a type of enrichment of infinity categories well-suited to the study of stable categories appearing in the theory of Deformation Quantization (DQ) modules. As an application, we obtain an integral representation theorem for DQ-modules along the line of Orlov's or Toën's integral representation theorems.
Non-commutative Hodge theory is the study of Hodge structures on the cyclic homology groups of dg-categories C. In this talk, we will study the case
C = ,
where X is a quasi-projective variety and G is an algebraic group.
Using Halpern-Leistner's theory of derived Kirwan surjectivity,
we prove the collapse of nc Hodge-to-de Rham spectral sequence in variety
of situations for example when X is smooth, G is reductive and
is finite dimensional. These results on
the degeneration of the spectral sequence also extend to categories of
singularities. We also identify the periodic cyclic homology with a
version of equivariant K-homology in the sense of Atiyah and Segal.
This is joint work with Dan Halpern-Leistner.
I'll describe some new examples where the derived category of one variety can be embedded inside the derived category of a second variety. These examples are all given by a single construction, and they include the quintic 3-fold sitting in a certain Fano 11-fold, and a new derived equivalence between two Calabi-Yau 5-folds. We also recover the Pfaffian-Grassmannian' derived equivalence between two non-birational Calabi-Yau 3-folds.
The proof is inspired by string theory, and uses a non-abelian gauged linear sigma model to relate both derived categories to some categories of (global) matrix factorizations. This is joint work with Richard Thomas.
We explain how model categorical techniques allow to lift derived functors and adjunctions between them to enhancements when working with schemes or stacks over a field. Presently, we apply these techniques to homological smoothness and Fourier-Mukai functors. We expect more applications.
Orlov's famous representability theorem asserts that any fully faithful exact functor between bounded derived categories of coherent sheaves on smooth projective varieties is a Fourier-Mukai functor. In this talk we show that this result is false without the full faithfulness hypothesis. This is joint work with Alice Rizzardo.
For any sufficiently regular dg-category $T$ it is possible to construct a geometric stack which classify its objects. This define a functor which is adjoint to the functor which associates to any algebraic space $X$ the dg-category of perfect complexes $Perf(X)$ on $X$. The problem of reconstruction is to find additionnal structure on the dg-category $Perf(X)$ in way to recover the space $X$.
be a smooth projective variety over the formal punctured disk
The Griffiths-Landman-Grothendieck “Local Monodromy Theorem” asserts that
the Gauss-Manin connection on the de Rham cohomology
has a regular singularity at the origin and that the monodromy of
this connection is quasi-unipotent. I will explain a noncommutative
generalization of this result, where the de Rham cohomology is
replaced by the periodic cyclic homology of a (smooth proper) DG
category over K equipped with the Gauss-Manin-Getzler connection. The
proof of the Noncommutative Local Monodromy Theorem is based on the
reduction modulo p technique and some ideas of N.Katz and D. Kaledin.
Namely, I will prove that for any smooth proper DG category over
the p-curvature of the Gauss-Manin-Getzler connection on its
periodic cyclic homology is nilpotent.
If time allows I will also explain a noncommutative generalization of the Katz p-curvature formula relating the p-curvature of the Gauss-Manin-Getzler connection with the Kodaira-Spencer class (which is, in the noncommutative setting, a canonical element of the second Hochschild cohomology group of the DG category)
This talk is based on a joint work with Dmitry Vaintrob.
We study super-commutative nonpositive DG rings. An example is the
Koszul complex associated to a sequence of elements in a commutative
ring. More generally such DG rings arise as semi-free resolutions of
rings. They are also the affine DG schemes in derived algebraic
geometry. The theme of this talk is that in many ways a DG ring A
resembles an infinitesimal extension, in the category of rings, of the
ring .
I first discuss localization of DG rings on
and the
cohomological noetherian property. Then I introduce perfect, tilting
and dualizing DG A-modules. Existence of dualizing DG modules is
proved under quite general assumptions. The derived Picard group
of A, whose objects are the tilting DG modules, classifies
dualizing DG modules. It turns out that
is canonically
isomorphic to
and that latter group is known by earlier work.
A consequence is that A and
have the same (isomorphism
classes of) dualizing DG modules.