“Derived categories, algebra and representation theory”
Mon 23rd - Fri 27th March 2015, University of Warwick
This conference aims to explores recent advances on classes of algebras
whose representation theory mirrors that of simple finite dimensional
Lie algebras, starting from rational Cherednik algebras and finite
W-algebras. The methods used includes Lie, including D-modules,
localisations, quantisations and derived categories. Two recent
applications of these ideas are the Alday–Gaiotto– Tachikawa
conjecture and the fusion of the geometric Langlands program with
string theory.
Simple Lie algebras, W-algebras, Cherednik algebras, symplectic
reflection algebras, category O, D-modules, Hilbert schemes, AGT
conjecture, quantum cohomology, derived categories.
- Iain Gordon (Edinburgh)
- Dmitri Rumynin (Warwick)
- Toby Stafford (Manchester)
Confirmed Speakers:
- Pramod Achar (Louisiana)
- Gwyn Bellamy (Glasgow)
- Will Donovan (Kavli IPMU)
- Tobias Dyckerhoff (Oxford)
- David Jordan (Edinburgh)
- Dmitri Kaledin (Steklov)
- Christian Korff (Glasgow)
- Kobi Kremnizer (Oxford)
- Wendy Lowen (Antwerpen)
- Kevin McGerty (Oxford)
- Vanessa Miemietz (East Anglia)
- Sergey Oblezin (Nottingham)
- Alexander Premet (Manchester)
- Balazs Szendroi (Oxford)
- Jean-Baptiste Teyssier (Berlin)
- Michel Van den Bergh(Hasselt)
- Ben Webster (Virginia)
- D dot Rumynin at warwick ac uk
@ Warwick Mathematical
Institute, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, United
Funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research
Council (EPSRC)