Concentration period
“Moduli Spaces and Derived Categories”

Mon 12th January - Fri 13th March 2015, University of Warwick

DCat2014-15 Main Venue Program Participants Registration

The concentration period is divided into two parts.

1). (12th Jan - 13th Feb 2015) Moduli of curves and vector bundles, Brill-Noether theory and coherent systems. A particular aim of this period will be to consolidate and extend results on coherent systems of rank 2.

2). (16 Feb – 13 Mar 2015) Refined invariants - motivic and/or categorised, Bridgeland stability, MNOP conjectures.


Invited Participants:

Short Term Participants:


There is an overlap with a concentration period on Stability Conditions and Birational Geometry (8th – 27th Feb 2015) which includes a workshop on Geometry from Stability Conditions (15th – 20th Feb 2015).

Further information, including a list of invited participants, will be added later.


@ Warwick Mathematical Institute, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, United Kingdom
Funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)