Software packages

  1. Author and maintainer of the R-packages chartreview, fastOnlineCpt, smoothedLasso, locStra, and BayesProject on CRAN. Written in R and C++.
  2. Co-author of the simctest R-package on CRAN, specifically author of the class mmctest. Written in R.
  3. Author of the ecpp package for SAGE. Written in SAGE/Python.
  4. Contributor to the VOTCA package for molecular dynamics simulation (modules for spline fitting, maintenance of analysis modules, documentation, php scripts for webpage) of the Max Planck Institute for polymer research, Germany. Written in C++.
  5. Contributor to the PROGRESS package for quantum molecular dynamics at Los Alamos (specifically graph partitioning methods of the density matrix to speed up computations). Written in C++. Internal use at Los Alamos National Laboratory only.
  6. The MMCTest algorithm (see publications) has been made available for MathWorks by independent author Dylan Muir. Written in Matlab.