By topic: 179
Weekly Westminster Gazette, ?? March 1923
In book: 99b
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What books on Roman roads? (K.T. Gemmell)



To the Editor of the “Weekly Westminster Gazette.”

Sir,—I take a layman’s interest in Roman roads, but must plead guilty to having missed some of the previous correspondence on this subject in your columns. Can anyone give me a list of fairly easily obtainable books on the subject?

About a year ago I made some inquiries, but found that most of the books recommended by friends were out of print, while the catalogue in the British Museum reading-room gave no help at all. In the end the only book I could lay hands on was Codrington, which I found a little arid.—Yours, &c.,
K. T. Gemmell.
  Tonbridge Club, Tonbridge.
    March 10th, 1923.


Source info: Journal named in cutting; letter dated “March 10th, 1923”.