On Leave in KashmirDishes served

Chicken, green peas, roast potatoes.
Jam puff.
Mon.4 Poached eggs.
Savoury rissoles, potatoes.
Strawberries and cream.
Savoury pudding, kidney beans.
Gooseberry tart.
Tues.5 Poached eggs.
Mixed grill, spinach.
Bread pudding.
Roast duck, roast potatoes, cauliflower.
Jam puff.
Wed.6 Poached eggs.
Cold duck, salad.
Banana fritter *
Rissoles, carrots, new potatoes, turnip.
Rhubarb whisk.
Thur.7 Poached eggs.
Plums and custard.
Mutton ragout, carrots.
Jam roll.
Fri.8 Scrambled eggs.
Fish ragout, cabbage.
Egg custard.
Chicken, mashed potatoes, onions.
Jam tart.
Sat.9 Poached eggs.
Chicken casserole, saute potatoes, carrots.
Plums and custard.
Minced duck, mashed potatoes, onions.
Stewed apricots.
Sun.10 Scrambled eggs.
(Picnic) Chicken sandwiches,
Cold baked potatoes.
Roast goose, potatoes, cauliflower.
Peaches and custard.
Mon.11 Poached eggs.
Savoury rissoles, cabbage.
Ground rice pudding.
Roast goose, potatoes, onions, turnip.
Rhubarb whisk.
Tues.12 Scrambled eggs.
Savoury faggot, green peas, beans, potatoes.
Steamed pudding.
Roast pigeon, crisped potatoes, onions.
Soft nougat.
Wed.13 Scrambled eggs.
Liver and mash, cauliflower, onions.
Roast mutton, baked potatoes, cabbage.
Thur.14 Savoury Omlette.
(Picnic) Cold mutton, bolied potatoes.
Cherry tart.
Minced duck, mashed potatoes.
Apricots and cream.
Fri.15 Fried trout.
Rissoles, kidney beans.
Banana fritters.
Fish pie, potatoes.
Apricots and cream.
Sat.16 Poached eggs.
Faggot, potatoes, green peas.
Chicken, roast potatoes.
Apricots and custard.
Sun.17 Scrambled eggs,
Kidney, liver, mashed and roast potatoes.
Apricots and custard.
Mutton chop, mashed potatoes, kidney beans.
Egg custard.
Mon.18 Poached eggs.
Mutton chop, mashed potatoes, green peas.
Egg custard.
Chicken, mashed potatoes, cauliflower.
Melon and custard.
Tues.19 Scrambled eggs,
Egg-potato-minced duck pie.
Ground rice pudding.
Roast goose, mashed potatoes, spinach.
Wed.20 Poached eggs.
Roast goose, mashed potatoes, onions.
Plums and custard.
Tomato ragout, cauliflower.
Gooseberry tart.
Thur.21 Scrambled eggs,
Liver, mashed potatoes, baked tomatoes.
Rhubarb whisk.
Chicken, roast potatoes, kidney beans.
Banana fritter *
Fri.22 Poached eggs.
(Picnic) Cold roast potatoes, boiled eggs,
Tomato and meat sandwiches.
Tongue, mashed potatoes, spinach.
Plums and custard.
Sat.23 Fried eggs, bread,
Rissoles, spinach.
Jam tart.
Roast mutton, cauliflower, roast potatoes.
Gooseberries and cream.
Sun.24 Poached eggs.
Cold mutton, salad.
Ground rice pudding.
Meat and potatoes hash, green peas.
Plums and sugar.
Mon.25 Poached eggs.
Savoury pudding, kidney beans.
Bread pudding.
Chicken, baked potatoes, onions.
Tues.26 Scrambled eggs,
NOTES. Lack of variety in breakfast dishes was due to our own choice. We preferred eggs each morning to other dishes such as bacon, liver, or fish. Tea or coffee was always served after lunch.
We invariably had tea.
Soup was always served with dinner, and tea or coffee afterwards.
As at lunch time we invariably had tea.
* We could not identify this sweet. It tasted like unfried banana fritter (very palatable) but the fact that the dish was served a second time disproved our theory of a culinary error.
% Sweets were served with these meals but when I came to record them we neither of us could remember what they were!

  Other meals served were chota hazri (or a pot of tea in bed before rising) and afternoon tea with cakes or sandwiches.