The following Glossary consists exclusively of words now used in the Eastern part of the Lindsey Division of Lincolnshire.
The Glossary has been compiled from the ordinary conversation of persons who have been frequenters of the Editor’s shop.
A.—An exclamation of wonder or surprise.
A-bēar.—To endure, to detest.
Āblins.—Not able, perhaps.
Abraid.—To be like.
Addent.—Are not.
Addle.—To earn, to make money.
A-deel.—Much, many.
Ad-fōäst.—Was forced.
A-done.—Have done.
A-faix.—In faith! by my faith!
Agāit.—The act of doing, starting.
Ageän.—Against, near anything.
Ager.—The ague.
Agg on.—To persuade, to encourage.
Ahoy.—To call, to hollo.
Āaint.—Have not.
Āirms.—The arms.
Aist.—Are you? will you?
Ail.—I will.
All-a-bits.—All in pieces.
All-along.—Because of, through.
Alley.—The aisle of a Church, a narrow roadway betwixt two walls or buildings.
Allus, Allust.—Always.
All-to-nowt.—All to nothing, entirely gone.
Amper—To encumber.
Anshum-scranshum.—Any scene of confusion or disorder.
An-äll.—As well as, also, too.
Anew.—Sufficient, enough.
Anker.—To long for, to desire.
Argy.— | } | To argue, to disagree. |
Argle.— |
Arn.—To earn.
Arnt.—Earned. Are you not?
Arsy-varsy.—Wrong end forward, ‘vice-versa.’
Ask.—Sour, dry.
Askew.—Not straight, side way, off at a tangent.
At-nowt.—On no account.
Awe.—To owe.
Awm.—To loll about.
Awming.—Lounging or idling about.
Awn.—To own.
Awner—.The owner.
Axe—To ask.
Axed-up.— | } | Applied to a couple whose marriage banns have been proclaimed three times in church. |
Axed-out.— |
Ayse.—To ease or lift. A man is said to “aise” water out of a ditch which has been held up by a dam for the purpose of cleaning it out.
Back.—To bet, to encourage.
Backard.—Backward, behind time.
Back-end.—The latter end of the year.
Back-and-edge.—Completely, entirely.
Back’s up.—His back’s up, said of a person who feels offended.
Badging.—Marking the garments given to the poor by the overseers.
Badger.—To tease.
Bag.—Subs., A cow’s udder. Verb, to steal, to appropriate.
Bag-a-moonshine.—Foolish tale, a yarn.
Baggerment.—Rubbish, weeds, nonsense.
Bairns.—Young children.
Balderdash.—Nonsensical talk.
Balk.—Subs., A large piece of timber, a rafter. Verb., to disappoint, to circumvent.
Bamboozle.—To impose upon.
Band.—Piece of twine, string.
Bang.—To knock about, to strike.
Banger or Bunger.—A very large one.
Banging or Bunging.—Large, big.
Bang-up.—To the top, very good.
Bannisters.—Staircase rails.
Banker.—A navvy (navigator), an excavator.
Bantling.—A small child.
Bar.—To stop or forbid.
Bare-bubs.—Young birds before they are fledged.
Barked.—Dirt dried on the skin.
Barnacles.—A pair of spectacles.
Bashed.—Knocked about, torn, or broken.
Bass.—A church hassock make of rushes.
Bassin.—Dressed sheep skin.
Băste.—To beat, to strike, to sew together slightly, to pour fat or gravy over roasting meat.
Bat.—Swiftly, going a-head, a bundle of straw.
Batten.—A bundle of straw.
Batch.—A quantity or number of anything, generally applied to the amount of bread baked at one time.
Battle-twig.—The earwig.
Batter.—The slope of a ditch.
Baw!—An expression of contempt.
Bawling.—Act of crying aloud.
Beä.—To call out, to bellow.
Beäle.—The lowing of cattle, to shout, to cry out.
Bea-sen.—To be with yourself.
Beänt.—Is not, are not.
Beck.—A brook or running stream.
Bedlam.—Confusion, an uproar.
Bedstock.—A bedstead.
Bees.—House flies.
Beffling. —Coughing, barking.
Begow! | } | Exclamations of surprise. |
Begum! |
Belch.—Silly talk, a windy oration.
Belder.—To roar, to cry.
Belk.—To lie down, to force.
Belker.—Immense, huge.
Belking.—Lazy, idle.
Belluz.—To bellow, to cry out.
Belly-band.—Strap belonging to a cart saddle.
Belly-wark.—The colic.
Belting.—Beating, thrashing.
Benzil.—To beat well.
Bents.—Dry seed, stalks of grass.
Besslings.—The first milk of a cow after calving.
Bet.—Beaten, won.
Betimes.—In time, sometimes, early.
Bews.—Boughs, branches of trees.
Bēzum.—A broom made of ling.
Bezzle.—To drink greedily.
Bib.—The upper part of an apron.
Bigger.—Taller, stouter.
Bile.—A boil, an inflamed sore.
Billetin.—Bundle of firework.
Binjer.—An advanced state of intoxication.
Bink.—The edge of a bank.
Bit.—Little, short, small.
Bite.—To obtain hold.
Bĭtha.—By the.
Blab.—Subs., a tell tale. Verb, to divulge.
Blabbing.—Noisy, silly talk.
Blackey.—A blackbird.
Blarney.—Worthless talk, idle talk, nonsense.
Blare.—The bleating of sheep.
Blash.—Subs., Nonsense, rubbish. Verb, to flash, to cut a dash.
Blashey.—Thin, watery.
Blashing.—Flourishing, extensive.
Blăther.—Light, worthless talk.
Blaw.—Subs., a blow, a stroke. Verb, to blow, to pant, to make a current of air.
Blawed.—Blew, blown.
Blāzing.—Spreading about news.
Blear-eyed.—Cross-eyed, having a cast in the eye.
Bleb.—A blister, a bubble.
Blether.—A bladder.
Blethering.—Noisy, wearisome crying.
Bloäk.—An old man.
Blob.—A splash.
Blobbing—A method of catching eels.
Blobkeight—A fish, the burbot.
Blocker—Very drunk.
Blooring—To bellow, to make a noise.
Blossam—An untidy girl.
Blowhe—A strong wind.
Blubber—To weep noisily.
Bluft—Blindfold, a horse’s blinker.
Blurt—To divulge a secret.
Bluther-bunged—To lose the thread of conversation, to break down in speech.
Bo!—A word used to frighten children.
Bob—To duck, to bow; a slang phrase for a shilling.
Bocken—To be weak in the legs, frightened.
Bodge—To patch, to mend badly.
Boggle—To shy, to take fright, to hesitate.
Boggsmorrolli—A ludicrous form of address.
Bogs-me-rolly—A threat to chastise.
Boke—To retch, to be on the point of vomiting.
Bon—To burn.
Bone-idle—Naturally and thoroughly idle.
Bone—To steal.
Bont—To consume with fire.
Bonny—Well in health.
Boon—To repair a highway.
Boon-master—The surveyor of highways.
Boots—Extras given in exchange of anything.
Boozy—Stupid with drink.
Bossacks.—A fat, lazy woman.
Bosson.—To burst, to rupture.
Bottle.—A term applied to a bundle of hay or straw.
Bottle-of-hay.—A bundle of hay tied together.
Bouncer.—Anything very big.
Bouncing.—Boasting, bragging.
Bowge.—To bulge.
Bōwt.—Bought, to bolt, to run away.
Boykin.—A lad of small size, a tiny lad.
Brad.—A headless nail.
Brade.—To be idle.
Brades-o-me.—Like or similar to me.
Brag.—To boast unduly.
Brangle.—To dispute, to entangle, to mix up.
Brand-new. | } | Anything absolutely new |
Brand-spanking-new. |
Brash.—Rubbish, nonsense.
Brat.—A pet term for a child.
Braunge—To strut, or carry the person in a conceited manner.
Breeder.—A boil.
Breedlings.—A term sometimes applied to the dwellers of the fen.
Brig.—A bridge.
Brock.—Broken; a small green insect.
Brocks.—Dried cakes of cattle dung used for fuel.
Brog.—To push with a pointed instrument.
Broggle.—To poke.
Broodle.—To cherish, to fondle.
Brown-shillers.—Ripe hazel nuts.
Brust.—To burst.
Brussen.—To burst.
Bruz.—To bruise.
Bubs.—Unfledged birds.
Bubby-hutch.—An ancient looking vehicle.
Buckle-to.—To commence work.
Bucksome.—Jolly, lively, merry, healthy looking.
Buckstick.—An old-fashioned man or boy; an old friend.
Bug.—Proud, officious.
Bugles.—The beagle hounds.
Bullock.—To abuse with loud talk.
Bully-ragging.—Blustering, noisy, bravado.
Bum.—A bailiff.
Bumbles.—Rushes such as are used for chair bottoms.
Bumble-bee.—The humble or hornless bee.
Bumble-footed.—Having a thick lumpish foot.
Bumper.—Extra large.
Bumptious.—High minded, puffed up.
Bunch.—To kick with the boots.
Bundle-off.—To dismiss, to remove.
Bung–up.—To stop up.
Bunger.—Immensely large.
Bunk-off.—To run away.
Bunny.—A rabbit.
Bunts.—Defective ears of wheat, half corn and half chaff.
Burr.—A circle which is often seen round the moon.
Busk.—A bush, a branch.
Bussicking.—Birds dusting themselves.
Bust.—A term used for a breach in a sea bank.
Buttercup.—The yellow meadow ranunculus.
Butterbump.—The bittern, a bird once common in the fens.
Butty.—A companion, a mate.
Caddis.—A narrow woollen binding.
Cad-craw.—A carrion crow.
Cad.—A mean person.
Cadge.—To beg.
Caffle.—To prevaricate, to cavil.
Cag.—Small barrel or keg.
Cagmags.—Anything inferior.
Call.—To abuse.
Cāming.—Is coming.
Camerel.—The hock of an animal.
Canister.—The head.
Cap.—To astonish, to surpass.
Capper.—A superior article, a puzzling thing.
Caps-all.—Exceeds all.
Caps-howt.—Surpasses everything.
Cap-boa.—Cap peak.
Car.—The incision made by a saw in cutting wood.
Cart-coam.—Grease from a cart-wheel.
Cast.—Warped, overthrown.
Casson.—Cow dung dried for fuel.
Cat-blash.—Worthless drink, weak argument.
Cat-haw.—The fruit of the hawthorn.
Cat-gallows.—Small sticks placed gallow-wise.
Cat-o’-nine-tails.—A kind of bulrush.
Cauf—A calf.
Cautionable—Not cautious.
Cauve—An undermined bank of earth.
Caw—Shortness of breath.
Cawk—Hard white stone, lime stone.
Cawker—Immense size.
Cazzlety—Variable, unsettled.
Cess—Margin or foreland, the space between the foot of a bank and the channel.
Chanch—Chance, to risk.
Chap—Young man.
Chark—To line a well with bricks.
Charwoman—A woman who assists in household work.
Charmed—Eaten by mice or rats.
Chat—The chaffinch.
Chats!—An exclamation for driving away cats.
Chaw—To chew.
Cheän—A chain, a chine, part of a pig.
Check!—A call word for swine.
Cheek—To accuse.
Cheeky—Forward, impudent.
Chep—To be saucy.
Cheps—The face.
Cheslop—The stomach of the calf, used when dried to curdle milk.
Chess—To crack.
Chimbley.—A chimney.
Chisel—To cheat, to beat down in price.
Chisels—Fine bran.
Chist.—Chest, box, stomach.
Chit.—Corn or seeds just beginning to vegetate.
Chitter.—To talk in a foolish or senseless way.
Chittlings.—The intestines.
Chock.—To stop a wheel.
Chok-full—Quite full.
Choor!—An expression used to drive away pigs.
Chop—To exchange.
Chowsle—To masticate.
Chubby—Plump, short and thick.
Chuck—To throw, a call to chickens.
Chumpy—Short, thick.
Chunk—A lump of anything.
Chunter—To mutter to oneself, to dictate.
Church-warner—Church warden.
Chuvey—Thick, lumpy.
Clags—Dirty wool clipped from a sheep.
Clagged—Matted with dirt, muddy.
Clam—Damp, to snatch hold of, to choke with thirst.
Clammed—Grasped, seized.
Clammy—Sticky, moistly cold.
Clan—A lot, a quantity.
Clanch—To snatch rudely and violently.
Clarrip—Hearty blow, to strike.
Clat—Sauce, to bedaub.
Clatty—Sticky, dirty.
Clăum—To climb, to paw about with the hands.
Claump—To make a loud noise in walking.
Claut—To scratch with the finger nails.
Clazum—Force, rush, violence,
Cleas—The claws of a bird.
Cleded—To bind a tray with straw.
Clecks—The chaff left in dressed corn.
Cletch—Brood of chickens or ducks.
Click—To snatch rudely from another.
Clink—A sharp blow, smart.
Clinker—Immense, superior.
Clink-and-clean—Anything cleverly performed; well completed.
Clip—To shear sheep; the right way to perform.
Clipper—A very good one.
Clipping—Good, very good.
Clishawk—To steal.
Cloäs—A field; silent.
Clog—A log of wood.
Clogged-up—Stopped up.
Clod-hopper—An agricultural labourer.
Clock—The great black beetle.
Clomping—Making a noise with heavy boots.
Clook—To steal.
Close-fisted—penurious, stingy.
Clout—A sharp blow; a rag or cloth.
Cloudations—An extra quantity, abundance of anything.
Clubtail—A stoat.
Clumpsed—Cold, benumbed, as in the hands.
Clunch—Sullen; stiff clay.
Clung—Heavy soil.
Coax—To entice away, to deceive.
Cob—The stone of fruit; a small round corn stack.
Cockling—Standing unsafely.
Cocksure—Certain, positive.
Cock-eyed—One who squints.
Cockey—Impertinent, haughty.
Cod—To deceive.
Coddle—To nurse, to take foolish care of.
Codger—Anything very large: a hearty old man.
Coggles—Pebbles, kidney shaped stones used for rough paving.
Coitey—Dangling an infant.
Collop—Quantity, mess.
Collared—Seized, stolen.
Cōōm-ether-woäh!—Said to horses to bring them to the left side of the road.
Cōōm-up—Said to horses to make them move more quickly.
Conny—Nice, pretty.
Conny-fogle—To entice, to smuggle.
Cop—To catch a person in a mean act.
Cop-cop—A call word for a horse.
Corker—A lie.
Cosh—To fall heavily, or with force.
Cosher—An immense thing.
Cots—Refuse, or cotted wool.
Cottner—To the extreme, ridiculous.
Cotted—Matted, entangled.
Cotty-comb—A curry comb.
Cottrel—A ring near the linch-pin of a cart.
Cotter’d—Applied to an entangled fleece of wool.
Cove—A strange character.
Cow-lady—A small red and spotted beetle.
Crack—To boast without a cause.
Cradge—A challenge or task in a feat of agility.
Cram—To impose upon by inventing false reports.
Cramble—To move as though the joints were stiff.
Craw—A crow.
Crawk—The core of anything, commonly applied to fruit; the heart of a haystack.
Crear—To rear, as in a plunging horse.
Cree—To boil gently over the fire.
Crib—To steal; a horse’s manger.
Crīke—A creek on the marsh by the sea.
Crinckle—To wrinkle.
Croft—Enclosed land on the borders of a stream.
Cronno—Correct, just, right.
Crony—An old acquaintance or companion.
Croodle—To sit or lie down together to obtain warmth.
Crounsey—Restive, usually applied to a horse.
Crow—To brag or boast over anyone.
Crowner—Extraordinary good, not to be excelled; the Coroner.
Culch—Great quantity of rain; anything inferior
Culls—Inferior animals or articles.
Cullis-ended—Round gabled, applied to corn stacks.
Curk—A cork.
Curpse—A corpse.
Cush-cush—Call words for a cow.
Cute—Intelligent, quick, sharp.
Cutten—To cut.
Cutts—A conveyance used for removing timber.
Cut-meat—Hay, oats in the straw, and such like provender cut by machinery.
Dab—To strike, clever at work.
Dab-hand—Expert, one who is clever at anything
Dabchick—A moor hen.
Dacker—To lessen speed, to abate.
Dag—To jag.
Daisy-me!—An exclamation of surprise.
Dal! | } | A form of an oath. |
Dang! |
Dänt—To daunt.
Där—To dare.
Darnt—Dare not.
Daul—To weary.
Dauled—Worn out, limp, tired.
Dawdle—To idle, to loiter.
Dawksy—A person dressed in fine but slovenly attire.
Dawm—A small portion.
Dawn—Down, soft feathers.
Deäd-ageän—Violently opposed to.
Deäd-herse—To receive pay in advance.
Dead-naäiler—Something astonishing.
Deal—A plank.
Delve—To work hard a long time.
Deyke—A dyke.
D’Yē—Do you? to out-do.
Diagrave—A dikereeve.
Dibble—To make holes for planting seed.
Dickey—A loose shirt front.
Diddle—To cheat.
Dill—To ease, to soothe, to assuage pain.
Dilly—A vehicle for removing night soil.
Ding—Subs., a blow, a thump. Verb, to strike, a cuff.
Dingle—To tingle.
Dinkum—Fair treatment, justice.
Dished—Cheated, disappointed.
Dither—To shake with cold, to tremble.
Doldrum—In deep thought.
Dollup—A large quantity.
Dōley—Term applied to the weather.
Don—Good, clever.
Dossent—Dare not.
Dot—A diminutive.
Dot-and-go-one—A lame person.
Douse—To deluge a person with water.
Dowk—To hang downwards.
Downfall—A disease in cows.
Drape—A cow whose milk is gone.
Draw—The depth that a spade goes in digging.
Drizling—Small rain.
Drop-it—Give over.
Drub—To beat.
Dubbut—Do but, only.
Duckey—A word of endearment to a child; to oppose.
Duckey—A person who forfeits himself.
Duckstone—A game played by lads with pebbles.
Dud—Did, done.
Duff-court—Dove cote.
Dulbert—Dull, stupid.
Dung—To drive; to impart knowledge.
Dwīne—To dwindle away.
Dȳling—A small excavation for drainage.
Dȳthes—Cow dung dried and cut into squares for fuel.
Dȳthe-bat—Implement for cutting dykes into squares.
Eäd—The head.
Eädily—Wanting, not sufficient.
Earnings—Wages; rennet used for curdling milk which is to be converted into cheese.
Eäst-punkit—Wooden vessel to hold yeast.
Eäst-kin—The edge of a sloping roof.
Egg-on—To urge on.
Elted-up—Bedaubed with mud.
End—To spoil, to destroy.
Enew—Enough, sufficient.
Enow—Shortly, presently, soon.
Esh—Subs., The ash tree. Verb, To beat, to thrash.
Ewst—Used, was accustomed to.
Eye—Aye, yes, ah
Fad—One who is particular.
Fagged-out—Wearied, very tired.
Fag-end—The end, the remains of anything.
Fair—Level, even.
Fal-lal—An idle tale.
Farden—A farthing.
Farweltered—Overthrown, said of a sheep.
Fast-nas-Tuesday—Shrove Tuesday.
Fell—To receive a bite from a fly; troublesome, savage.
Fezzon-penny—Money paid upon a bargain.
Fick-fack—To trifle away time.
Fid-fad—Attendance where it is not wanted.
Finikin—Great attention to small affairs.
Fĭnd—To find
Fit—Ready to do anything.
Fits—Suits exactly.
Fizzog—The face, countenance.
Flabbergast—To astonish or astound.
Flags—Street pavings, slabs.
Flam—A falsehood told in jest.
Flap-jack—A large pancake.
Flick—A flitch or side of bacon.
Fligged—Feathered, fledged.
Flim-Elam—A freak, a whim, a trick.
Flimsy—Thin, mean, ill-tempered.
Fling—To throw down, to overturn.
Flit—To remove, to change abode.
Flummery—Nonsense, flattery.
Flummuxed—Defeated, puzzled.
Fluster—Excited, hurried.
Fluther—Idle talk.
Fluther-gullion—One who has got much to say about nothing.
Fluter—A blow.
Fly—Quick, crafty.
Foäst—Forced, compelled
Fog—Long coarse grass that grows on a meadow after the hay has been cut.
Fogo—A disagreeable smell.
Foiser—A disappointment; mean.
Foment—To ferment.
Fond—Foolish, half-witted, idiotic.
Footen—To follow footprints.
Footing—Money paid upon first entering a new employment.
Fore-end—The commencement, beginning.
Fother—Fodder for cattle, hay, straw, etc
Fowty—Fusty, tainted.
Fower—A furrow or rut.
Frangy—Spirited, lively.
Frez—To freeze.
Frummity—Wheat boiled in milk.
Fruggans—A slovenly woman.
Fruzzy—A rough head of hair.
Fullock—Force, violence.
Fullocker—Anything large or fine.
Fulsome—Dirty, objectionable.
Fummard—A pole cat.
Fumble—Clumsy, awkward.
Fun—To find.
Funkey—Nervous, frightened.
Funny-un—A curious person.
Furbil—A tool used for cutting hedge.
Furr—The calcareous coating of a kettle or boiler deposited from hard water.
Fuz-bul—A fungus containing a kind of dust.
Gab—Idle talk.
Gablic—An iron implement used for making holes.
Gad—Subs., An eel spear, a goad. Verb, to wander about without a motive.
Gaff—A ganger, the leader of a body of workmen.
Gaffer—The master.
Gaggle—Much confusion of talk.
Gallus—Mischievous, cunning, sly.
Gally-baulk—The iron bar in an open chimney on which pots, etc., are hung.
Gallivanting—Flirting, frolicsome.
Galloses—Braces or suspenders to hold up the trousers.
Gam—Subs., A game. Verb, To play, to frolic.
Gareing—A neck of land not in square with the remainder of a field.
Găth—A homestead, a farm.
Gate—Ways, habits.
Găterum—(Lit,: “gate room.”) A narrow marsh lane, a mere cart track, usually leading to some outlying field or farm building.
Gawk—A fool.
Gawm—To stare vacantly.
Gaw-maw—A staring vacant person.
Gawp—To gape, to stare.
Gawster—To laugh loudly.
Geah—Give you.
Gee!—To command a horse to move to the right.
Gel—A girl.
Gessling—Gosling, a young goose.
Get-agate—To begin.
Geth—The girth of a saddle.
Gibberish—Nonsensical talk.
Gifts—White spots on the finger nails.
Gim—To give.
Gimma—Give to me
Girn—To grin.
Git—To get.
Gither—To gather together.
Gizzen—To stare vacantly.
Glazener—A glazier.
Gleant—To have gleaned.
Gleg—To look at another slyly.
Glur—Very fat bacon.
Glyster—To chastise, to correct; to get the advantage over another.
Gnarl— | } | To gnaw like, a rat or mouse. |
Gnag— |
Gob—The mouth..
Gobble—To eat quickly.
Goings-on—proceedings, behaviour, actions.
Goister—To laugh loudly.
Gomeril—A stupid person.
Gonney!—An exclamation of surprise.
Goodying—Begging at Christmas time.
Goose-skin—The roughening of the skin caused by cold.
Goppen—A double handful of corn, applied to feeding a horse.
Gotes—Outfalls, sluices for draining the land.
Goy!—A form used instead of swearing.
Goycks—The way or mode of doing anything.
Grănin—The fork of a tree.
Grew-hown—A greyhound.
Grimed—Blackened, besmeared with black.
Grip—A small drain or ditch.
Grob—To feel, to seek, to look for.
Grobble—To grope, to feel about.
Grock—Anything stunted in growth.
Growse—To eat in a noisy manner.
Gruft—Dirt on the human skin.
Grund—To grind.
Guggle—To gargle.
Gull—To deceive.
Gumption—Understanding, latent wit.
Guzzle—To drink greedily.
Gykes—Way, method.
Hack—The rack for hay in a stable.
Hackering—Stammering, stuttering.
Haddling—To earn, by hand labour.
Hag-on—To encourage.
Hairm—The arm.
Haāking—Idling about.
Hales—Handles of a plough or wheelbarrow.
Hāme—The steam from boiling water.
Hanchum-scranshum—Scarcity of food.
Hankey-pankey—Scheme, manœuvre.
Hansel—Subs., Luck money. Verb, to try or use anything for the first time.
Hap-up—To wrap up, to cover up.
Happing—Wrapping, night clothing.
H arrisiplus—Erysipelas.
Harden—A very coarse linen cloth.
Hardlins—Hardly, scarcely.
Hard-set—In difficult position.
Hard-up—In a difficult position.
Hard-lines—Severe terms.
Harr—A sea mist.
Hargle—To argue.
Harrowed—Exhausted, harassed.
Hārum-scārum—Wild, unsteady.
Hask—Parched, rough, dry.
Hasack—Coarse grass; cushion to kneel on.
Hath-tha?—Are they?
Hawve!—To command a horse to move to the left.
Haw-buck—A coarse, vulgar country lout.
Hawk—To clear the throat, to spit.
Hawm—To lounge, to move slowly.
Hāayze—To throw water.
Hāzing—A beating.
Heäd-āāche—The scarlet poppy.
Headly—Not very.
Hĕder—A male lamb.
Heel-tree—A horizontal bar used for attaching horses to the plough.
Heft—Haft, the handle of anything.
Hekkup—Hiccup, hiccough.
Helt—To walk amongst the dirt.
Helter—A halter belonging to a horse.
Helter-skelter—In haste, confusion.
Helted—Bedaubed with mud.
Heppen—Handy, clever, expert.
Herrin-sew—A heron or heron-shaw.
Hest-thĕe?—Have you?
Hesp—Hasp, a fastener or latch.
Hessent—Has not.
Hessle—Subs., A beating or thrashing. Verb, To beat, to chastise.
Het—To heat, to get hot.
Hetten—To strike.
Heth-tha?—Have they?
Hĕv—To have.
Hĕvent—Have not.
Hez-ah?—Has he?
Hiding—A beating.
Highlows—Shoes coming up high round the ankles, and lacing in front.
Hinder-ends—Refuse of any grain.
Hing—To hang.
Hingle—The eye or loop upon a bucket into which the handle fits.
Hipe—To walk lamely.
Hister—To be off, to disperse.
Hit-on—To find, to think of.
Hitch-on—Move on, give room.
Hīvy-skīvy—In utter confusion.
lloast—A hoarseness, a cold.
Hob—To mow the rough grass left by cattle.
Hobbings—The grass left by cattle converted into hay.
Hobble—To be lame.
Hobble-de-hoy—An awkward stripling, a youth from 15 to 20 years old.
Hobby–herse—The dragon fly.
Hob-goblin—A supposed bogey to frighten children.
Hockle—To walk lamely.
Hockerdols—The feet.
Hoining—Beating, striking.
Hoity-toity—To dangle an infant, to fondle.
Holl—To throw.
Holler—To shout.
Honny-on-um—Any of them.
Hooker—Immense, large.
Hook-it—To run away.
Hoppen—To open.
Hopple—To encumber, to tie the legs of a cow while milking.
Hornery—Anything common, inferior, ordinary.
Hossuk—To laugh loudly.
Hotch—To jog along, to trot. Hotmel—Oatmeal.’
Howd—To hold.
Howlt—A small plantation of trees.
Hoyning—A noise made by a pig.
Hub-end—The “hob” or flat-plate at side of the grate on which things are kept warm.
Huck—The hip joint.
Huddle—To embrace.
Hug—To carry.
Hullabaloo—A scene of confusion, disorder.
Hunch—Subs., Very cold weather. Verb, To snub, to put upon.
Hurd—Subs., A collection of anything. Verb, To save money.
Hurkle—To obtain shelter, to crouch up.
Husking—Beating; immense.
Hut—The finger of a glove used to cover a wounded finger.
Hutch-up—To push upward.
Huzzing—A whirring noise.
Hype—A person’s gait.
I-ad-foäst—I was forced, compelled.
Ignoramus—A half-witted person.
I’ll-uphode—I will uphold it, I warrant.
Ings—Open meadows.
Incle—Linen tape known in the trade as frame tape.
Innards—The bowels, the intestines.
Isn’t—Is not.
Ither—The udder of a cow or goat.
Īvey-skīvy—To make an uproar.
Izerum—A round about story, a tedious yarn.
Īzles—Floating particles of soot.
Jabber—Senseless talk.
Jacketing—A beating.
Jack-up—To break a contract, to give up.
Jack-it—To leave a place with warning
Jam—To crush or bruise.
Jangle—To wrangle.
Jannack—Satisfactory, pleasant, fair, just.
Jaum—The side post of a door.
Jaunders—The jaundice.
Jawp—The sound produced by liquid being shaken in an almost empty bottle.
Jazzen—A donkey.
Jemmy—A sheep’s head.
Jersey—Coarse worsted, a woollen sweater.
Jerry’s—The South, used with reference to the direction of the wind.
Jet—Subs., An apparatus used for drawing water from a cistern. Verb, To throw.
Jetty—A narrow passage.
Jew’s-trump—The Jew’s harp.
Jiffling—To fidget.
Jiffy—Quickly, immediately.
Jīste—To take in another person’s cattle to graze.
Jŏb—To strike with a pointed instrument.
Jog-on—Move on.
Jōrum—A large quantity.
Joss—To pay, to treat.
Joskin—A raw country lad.
Jowl—Subs., A large fat face. Verb, To knock together.
Jowt—To shake.
Jowting—To jolt, as by a cart.
Judy—A female person of curious appearance.
Jugging—A great quantity of rain.
Juggle-pin—The tip stick belonging to a cart.
Junk—A lump.
Kades—Animals reared by artificial feeding.
Kaffle—Baffled in an argument.
Keāk-up—To tilt up a cart; to fall from a seat backwards.
Keb—To sob and pant for breath.
Kebbing—To shake with sobbing.
Kedge—To fill, to stuff.
Kedge-bellied—Said of a glutton who has distended his stomach with much food.
Keight—The body of a robust person.
Kell—The layers of fat lining an animal.
Kelch—Subs., A blow. Verb, To throw, to fall violently.
Kelcher—A large one.
Kelterment—Lumber, rubbish.
Kelps—Awkward fellow.
Ken—To know.
Kens-speck—Easy to recognize, conspicuous.
Kerps—Rifle Corps.
Kevassing—Running about.
Kex—The dry stalks of the hemlock.
Kid—A child; a faggot or bundle of sticks.
Kid-on—To entice, to lead.
King-cruise—A stoppage in any kind of game played by school children.
Kit—A wooden vessel used to milk cows in.
Kittling—A kitten, a young cat.
Knack—Ability to do a thing well.
Knacker—A person who flays dead horses; one who repairs gears or harness.
Knattering—Finding fault in a provoking manner.
Knag | } | To gnaw. |
Knarl |
Knaw—To know.
Knewed—Did know.
Knowl—A knock.
Knockalate—To vaccinate.
Koakum—To out-wit another.
Lab-dab—A kind of sauce.
Lace—To beat, to flog.
Lack-a-daisy-me!—An exclamation of astonishment.
Lag—To loiter, to stop behind.
Lags—The staves of a tub or barrel.
Lagged—Very tired.
Lāking-about—Idling, wasting time.
Lalder—To sing loudly and discordantly.
Lall—To put out the tongue.
Lallup—To beat, to flog.
Lanky—Tall, long and slender.
Lansh—To cut with a lancet.
Lap—To wrap, to fold.
Lapt—Wrapped up.
Lap-up—To inter, to bury, to wrap up.
Lāpe—To walk through mud.
Lark—A game or romp.
Lark-heeled—Having a long heel.
Larn—To learn, to teach.
Lārum—A worthless tale.
Larrup—To beat, to flog.
Lass—A girl.
Lat—A lath.
Lather—To besmear or cover with anything filthy.
Laumpus—An idler.
Lawk!—An exclamation of surprise.
Laws-I-me!—Exclamation of surprise.
Leach foot oil—Neat’s foot oil.
Leaf—The fat lining a pig.
Leather—To beat. to punish.
Leck—To leak.
Ledge—The bar of a gate.
Lesk—The groin of a horse.
Let-go—Leave hold.
Let-in—Taken in, deceived.
Let-out—A threat to communicate a something desired to be kept a secret.
Lether—A ladder.
Lick—To surpass, to excel.
Lig—To lie down.
Lights—The lungs of an animal
Lillylow—Hot, bright flame.
Limbo—A place of detention, a gaol.
Lite-upon—To meet or overtake anyone.
Lithe—To thicken liquids by means of flour or meal.
Littler—Less, smaller.
Littlens—Small ones.
Lob—To lean idly and heavily.
Lob-scooge—porridge, water gruel.
Locks—Tufts of wool clipped from a sheep.
Lock-a-day!—An exclamation of surprise.
Loiter-pin—A stick or piece of wood “whittled” for pastime.
Lolloping—Lazy, leaning upon anything.
Lollaker—The tongue.
Long-life—The spleen or milt of a pig.
Long-settle—A high-backed seat.
Loose-end—Without employment.
Looby—A coward.
Lop—A flea.
Loppard—Milk turned sour.
Lowp—To leap, to jump.
Lowance—A drink of beer.
Lowze—To loose, to set at liberty.
Lubbard—A blockhead.
Lug—Subs.. The ear; a game played with fruit by boys. Verb. To drag, to carry.
Lumber—Worthless articles; to flog.
Lumbering—Beating; awkward.
Lunging—Exciting, suspicious, idle.
Lungeous—Rough and rude.
Lushy—The worse for liquor.
Maäynt—Must not.
Maäyblins—May be.
Mad—Angry, annoyed.
Manafogal—To invent.
Mandra-thing—Any manner of thing.
Mannie—A term applied to a man of diminutive size.
Map—A mop.
Marl—A tarred string commonly called tarmarle.
Martin—A twin female calf.
Mash—To throw about.
Mashing—To rush about.
Mattler—A match, one of a pair, an equal.
Maul—To fatigue.
Maunge—The mange, a disease in dogs.
Maw—To mow.
Mawkin—Scarecrow, guy, silly fellow.
Mawps—A slow silly person.
Mawping—Walking idly.
May-be—Perhaps, a hazarded opinion.
Mazzle—To stupify, to confuse.
Mazzarded—Stunned, amazed.
Meägrims—Tricks, antics.
Meal—A yield of milk from a cow.
Megger—To improve in health.
Mell—A mallet.
Mess—A dirty state; a quantity; a difficulty, a blunder.
Met—A coal measure of two bushels.
Midden—A manure heap.
Midge—A gnat of a small size, a small fly.
Milder—To moulder away, to turn to dust, mildew.
Ming—Land of different proprietors lying mixed.
Minch—To mince.
Mizzle—To decamp, to go by command.
Mizzled—Ran away, absconded.
Mizzling—Raining slowly.
Moäk—Mist, fog.
Moäky—Dull, misty, dark weather.
Moänt—Must not, may not.
Moästlings—Frequently, generally.
Molling—Toiling, working, labouring.
Molify—To mix, to tone down.
Mold—Earth, soil.
Moo!—To low as a cow.
Mooch—To idle about.
Moozles—One who is very slow.
Mosker—To decay.
Mott—The mark at which quoits are pitched.
Mowdy-warp—The mole.
Mucher—A person of little consequence.
Muchness—Much the same.
Muck—Manure, mud.
Mud—Might, must.
Muddent—Might not, must not.
Mug—The face.
Mugging—A beating.
Mullakin—Labouring hard.
Mulfered—Worn out with fatigue; close, warm.
Muffering—Exhausted, over-heated.
Mumping—The act of begging on St. Thomas’ Day.
Murphy—A potato.
Mussen’e?—Must he not.
Musicianer—One skilled in music.
Na—Not, no, surely not.
Nab—To catch hold.
Nag—To gnaw.
Nagging—Gnawing, worrying, teazing.
Nailed—Caught, fixed.
Nang-nail—A corn, a bunion.
Nap—To knock.
Nappers—The knees.
Natly—Naturally, certainly..
Natty—Tidy, neat, trim.
Nattering—Finding fault in a provoking manner.
Natter-jack—A species of toad common here.
’Naul—And all.
Navvy—An excavator, usually called a “banker.”
Naw—To know.
Nawp—A blow generally on the side of the head.
Nawpy—Shrewd, intelligent, clever.
Near—Mean, stingy.
Near-side—The left hand side of the road; an expression used in driving, etc.
Neb—The bill of a bird.
Neckshun—Near to, almost.
Nepping—A horse’s bite.
New-ber—A cow that has lately had a calf
Nick-o’-time—Just in time.
Nimming—A peculiar gait.
Nipper—Young, a little child.
Nipping—Covetous, stingy, niggardly.
Nipped—In an ill temper.
Nip-off—To run off quickly.
Nip-up—To snatch up, to get up.
Nobs—The gentry.
Nobby—Fine, showy.
Nobbud—Nought but, only.
Noddy—A fool who nods when he should speak.
Noggin—A lump of anything.
Nome—No ma’am.
No-odds—No consequence.
Nookings—The bottom corner of a sack or bag.
Nowr—One hour.
Nowter—Unsuccessful, worthless (of a person or thing.)
Nudge—To touch with the elbow.
Nunty—Neat and precise in dress; small in stature.
Nut—The head of a person.
Nye—Near, stingy, mean.
Ob—The mark at which quoits are hurled.
Obsarve—To observe.
Odds-and-ends—Fragments, remnants.
Odd—man—A game played with coins.
Oddling—One differing from the others of a family.
Oddments—Remnants, fragments.
Oiyah—Of you.
On-end—Upright, sitting up.
Onum—Of them.
Ony-how—Any how, in any manner.
Ony-time—Any time.
Orts—Wasteful; leaving of food.
Outligger—Cattle lying out all the year round.
Ovened—Wind on the stomach.
Owd-hunks—A mean person.
Owder—Older, of greater age.
Owery—Dirty, filthy, damp, cold.
Owt—Ought, anything.
Pack–thread–gang—A set of men (associated for some special purpose) who are not likely to hold together.
Pad—A footpath.
Paddle—To wade, to play with water.
Pag—To carry on the back.
Pag-rag–day—The day on which yearly servants leave their places (May 14th).
Palāver—Flattery or persuasive talk.
Palings—Fencing to protect land or confine animals.
Pancheon—An earthenware pan.
Pannikin—Confusion, an uproar.
Parement—To go wrong, to speak harm of anyone.
Part—Long conversation.
Pat—Ready, perfect.
Pattens—Clogs elevated on a metal ring worn by females.
Pawm—Subs., The palm of the hand. Verb, To handle, to maul.
Pawps—A person slow in movement, an ignorant person.
Pawt—Subs., The hand. Verb, To scratch.
Peart—Brisk, lively.
Peck-skep—A measure used in feeding horses.
Pelt—Subs., A sheep skin without the wool. Verb, To throw.
Pelting—Heavy, applied to rain, hail, etc.
Penny—Covered with young feathers.
Pet—Ill-humour; a favourite.
Pick-an-otch—Pitch and toss.
Piece—A short space of time.
Pilling—The peel or rind of fruit or vegetable.
Piltripely—Anything mean or indifferent.
Pind—To impound a stray animal in the pinfold.
Pinder—The parish officer or impounder.
Pine—To keep without proper food.
Pinfold—The parish pound.
Pingle—A small piece of land.
Pip—A disease to which birds are subject.
Pipe—To cry, to shed tears.
Pippin—A round and deep earthenware jar.
Pips—Seeds of apples, pears, etc.
Plant—To thrash, to flog.
Plash—To cut a hedge.
Plat—To plait.
Plucksh—An expression used to drive off fowls.
Plugger—Immense, large.
Pockard—Pock marked.
Poke—Subs., A sack or bag. Verb, To stir the fire.
Poking—To interfere.
Polly-cot—A man who does domestic work.
Popped—Vexed, annoyed.
Potter—To be slow, indolent.
Pot-noddle—A tadpole.
Poulcher—A poacher.
Prog—Subs., Victuals. Verb, To poke or stir.
Pronkus—A donkey.
Pucker—Embarrassment; a term used in sewing.
Pudge—A shallow hole full of water.
Pulk—A coward.
Pull—An advantage over another.
Pull-over—A roadway over a sea-bank.
Pulse—Chaff from corn.
Pummel—To beat, to punish.
Purr—The fire poker.
Puthering—Pouring with rain
Puttan—Have put.
Quality—Gentry, aristocracy.
Quandāry—A difficulty.
Quick—Thorn, young plants for hedges.
Quick-sticks—Directly, immediately.
Quid—20 shillings, a sovereign.
Quīft—Trick, unusual method.
Quilt—To beat, to strike.
Quirky—Tricky, good humoured.
Raäytherist—The sooner of the two.
Raäytherly—Very seldom.
Raäve—Confusion, to cause uproar.
Raäve-up—To bring up old grievances.
Racket—To make a noise, a disturbance.
Rack-a-pelt—A riotous noisy fellow.
Raffle—To entangle, to confuse.
Rafty—Rancid, fusty, decomposed.
Rag—To tease.
Rag-a-muffin—A dirty lad in tattered clothes.
Rag-rime—A rime frost.
Raïted—Hay over weathered.
Raïsment—An increased charge.
Rake-ŭp—To collect together, to bring forward, to report.
Ralakin-rooser—Immensely large.
Ram—To push forcibly.
Rammer— | } | Big, great, immense. |
Rammin— |
Rammel—Hard rubbish, such as broken bricks.
Ramper—The high way, the public road.
Randy—A drunken bout, a spree.
Rank—Coarse, strong in smell.
Ran-dan—Intemperate, idle.
Ran-tan—A loud discordant noise.
Rasper—Something very extraordinary.
Raw—Inexperienced; cold.
Rawm—To shout, to be disorderly.
Rawming—Shouting, speaking loudly in the ear of another.
Rawp—To shout, to make a noise.
Razzling—Very hot.
Reäp—To spread; to invent; to take in.
Reästy—Restive; rancid, applied to bacon.
Reäst—To lift, to force.
Reäk—Snow drifted into a heap.
Reach-to—Help yourself, make yourself at home.
Recking-hook—A hook over a fire-place on which to hang kettles, pots, etc.
Reckling—The smallest pig in a litter.
Reek—Smoke or steam.
Reeking—Smoking or steaming.
Remble—To remove; to exchange places.
Rememery—Remember, recollect.
Rench—To rinse.
Render—To melt fat.
Rere—Cooked meat which is “ under done.”
Retch—To reach.
Reyte—Subs., Right, privilege. Verb, To do justice to, to make right.
Riff-raff—Low and disorderly people.
Rig—A ridge, the top of a roof.
Rigmarole—An idle story.
Rightle—To put to rights, to put in order.
Rightle-comb—A pocket comb.
Rip—Subs., A vagabond. Verb, To rage, to swear.
Ripping—Shouting, swearing,
Ripper—Excellent, very good.
Roäky—Misty, foggy.
Roäked—Heaped up.
Rockaloo—A light overcoat, a mackintosh.
Rodner—Any large or good thing.
Roil—To make thick by stirring up dregs; to make angry.
Roily—Muddy, thick.
Roost—To retire to bed.
Roosing—Immensely large.
Ropey—Stringy, unwholesome.
Rousing—Great, fine, large, fierce.
Rub-stone—A white stone for sharpening scythes.
Ruckle—To breathe with difficulty.
Ruggle-on—To get on with difficulty.
Rum—Odd, strange, singular.
Rum-un—Odd; droll person.
Rumple—To crease.
Rumpus—A disturbance
Rumption—A noise, a disturbance.
Rung—Steps or staves of a ladder.
Runty—Offended, or obstinate.
Russel—To wrestle.
Ruttle—To make a rattling in the throat.
Săăve— | } | Undue flattery; ointment. |
Sawve— |
Sack—To dismiss, to send away.
Sag—To bend, to sink under a weight.
Sagged—Settled, sunk.
Sallūp—A violent blow.
Sallocking—A clumsy mode of walking.
Sarmint—A sermon.
Sarve—To serve.
Sarvant—A servant.
Sattle—To settle.
Sauce—To be impertinent.
Saunter—To walk slowly.
Saw—To sow grain.
Sawve—Salve, an ointment.
Sawmpy—Weak-minded, foolish.
Sawney—A simpleton.
Scāfe—A mean person.
Scaly—Penurious, mean.
Scamp—A worthless fellow.
Scamp-it—To perform work in an inferior manner.
Scar—To frighten.
Scawd—To scald.
Scoff—To eat greedily.
Scoprill—A child’s toy.
Scot-free—Quite free, without interruption or impediment.
Scotch—To reduct from.
Screäve—To twist.
Scrat—To scratch, to live hardly.
Scratch—The starting point or post, a word used to deter a person from running back.
Scrawny—To scratch.
Scrawmy—Awkwardly tall.
Scran—Food of any kind.
Scrimmage—A fight, a skirmish.
Scrudge—To squeeze.
Scrunch—To crush.
Screed—A narrow strip of anything.
Scuff—The back part of the neck.
Scuttle—Subs, A wicker basket. Verb, To run away, to escape.
Seat—The usual number of eggs on which a hen sits.
Sea-harr—A sea mist.
Seck—A sack or bag.
Seg—An old boar pig.
Selvidge—The outward edge of cloth, not requiring a hem.
Serry—Inclined to be ill.
Set-agate—Set agoing, to begin.
Settle—Subs., A wooden seat. Verb, To lessen the price of any article.
Shack—To shake; a scamp.
Shack-bags—An idle vagabond.
Shakes—In a poor way; nothing extra.
Shammacks—The legs.
Shammacking—A slovenly, awkward gait.
Shan—Wild, unsteady.
Shandy—To be quick.
Shaänt—Shall not.
Shear—To reap.
Sheeder—A female animal.
Shift—To be economical and manage with little means.
Shifty—Cunning, deceitful.
Shig-shog—A slow trot.
Shill—To shell, as peas.
Shindy—A disturbance.
Shire—Unfertile egg.
Shiv—A splinter.
Shoo or Shar—Pshaw! a peevish reply.
Shoot—A vile character.
Short—Hasty, irritable.
Shorts—Fine bran.
Shore—Sheared, to cut corn with a sickle.
Shottles—The moveable rails in a fence.
Shough!—An exclamation used in driving away fowls.
Shucky—Mean, shifty.
Shuther—To shudder, to shake, to shiver.
Shy—To throw, to pelt.
Sifter—A kitchen shovel.
Signhills—The sea bank.
Sile—To strain, as milk; to pour, as rain.
Sinney—A sinew.
Sipe—To ooze, to dribble.
Siss—To hiss.
Sitha—See thou.
Skārum—To throw oneself about awkwardly.
Skelch—To force.
Skell—To upset, to fall.
Skelp—To throw down, to strike.
Skelping—Subs., A beating. Adj., Large, fine.
Skelper—Something very large.
Skelled—Tilted over.
Skellet—A tin saucepan.
Skeive—Uneven, awry.
Skep—A measure of capacity.
Skerrick—An atom.
Skew—To jump to one side,
Skilly—Oatmeal gruel.
Skingy—Stingy, mean.
Skinch—To stint, to give short measure.
Skippet—A wooden ladle used for lifting water.
Skit—A reflection upon a person; a disorder in cattle.
Skulk—To bend the head.
Skuffling—Wrestling, bustling.
Skuttle—A wicker basket without a handle for stable use.
Sky-wannock—On one side, sideways.
Slabs—Stone pavement.
Slake—To smear.
Slam—To throw with vengeance.
Slammack—An untidy person.
Slap—To slop, to strike.
Slap-up—Excellent, superior.
Släape—Slippery, smooth, sly.
Slare—An idle and careless manner of walking.
Slattery—Unsettled, usually applied to the weather.
Slew—To swerve on one side.
Slewed—Drunk, intoxicated.
Sling—To suspend, to throw.
Slipe—Subs., A slice, a blow. Verb, To strip in lengths.
Slĭther—To slide.
Slithering—Idling about, sliding.
Slĭve—To sneak away, to slink.
Slĭver—A slice; a short jacket made of coarse drab drill.
Slĭving—A great piece; idling.
Slock—To slake, to quench.
Slocken’d—Choked, suffocated.
Slogging—In cricket, to strike a ball a great distance.
Sloomy—Dull, stupid.
Slop—A farm servant’s smock frock.
Slowpe—To drink; to run away.
Sludge—Wet mud.
Slumpton—An untidy person.
Slur—To slide.
Slush—Dirty, miry, etc.
Sluther—Thin mud.
Smit—To infect.
Smithy—A low, dirty place.
Smock-raffled—Baffled with anything, confused.
Smook-reeked—Smelling or tasting of smoke.
Smoot—A passage.
Smouch—To kiss.
Smuice—A hare or rabbit run through a hedge.
Smush—To crush.
Snāāke—A snake.
Snare—To trim off the lower branches of a tree.
Snaffle—To speak through the nose.
Snaggy—Bad tempered, irritable.
Snape—To correct; to snub.
Sneck—The latch of a door.
Sneël—A snail.
Snerk—Withered, dried up, wasted.
Snickle—A snare, a noose.
Snitch—The nose, snout.
Snooze—To nap.
Soah—A shallow tub.
Soäk—To steep in water.
Soäker—One who is fond of drink.
Sock—The drainage from land.
Sogger—Anything very large.
Sole—The floor of an oven.
Soole—To knock or strike; to encourage a dog to bite.
Sooler—Immense size.
Soss—To make a mess of anything.
Sosser—Immense, anything very large.
Souser—To strike, a knock, a blow; to deluge with water.
Spane—To wean a child.
Spang—To throw down violently.
Span-new—Quite new.
Spanking—Adj., Tall, powerful. Subs., beating.
Sperrits—Spirits, spirituous liquors.
Spicket-and-faucet—A wooden tap.
Spill—A fall, an accident.
Spinney—A small plantation.
Spit-of-earth—The depth of earth taken by a spade.
Spittering—Small rain.
Splauts—The feet.
Splawder—Subs., Weakness in the legs. Verb, To spread out, to walk awkwardly.
Sponge—To encroach upon.
Sprig—A small headless nail.
Sprink—To sprinkle, to splash.
Sprunny—Sweetheart, a lover.
Spud—An instrument used to cut up thistles.
Squad—Dirt, mud on a road.
Squaitch—Adj., Crooked, bent. Verb, To crush, to bend.
Squash—To destroy.
Squat—Adj., Silent, reserved. Verb, To stoop, cower.
Squib—To run away, to hide.
Squits—Equal exchange.
Squort—To squirt.
Stall—To surfeit, to tire of anything.
Stan-need—To be in need of anything.
Stang—Subs., An eel spear. Verb, To sting, to throb.
Starnel—A starling.
Statis—One of the Statute fairs held about May-day for the hiring of servants.
Stayer—A step of a ladder.
Steddle—The foundation of a stack of grain.
Steeping—Soaking, applied to rain.
Steel—A stile.
Stew—A bustle, fright.
Stick–and-stow—The whole contents of anything.
Stiddy—A blacksmith’s anvil.
Stilt—To newly foot stockings.
Stive—To walk quickly with long strides.
Stockened—Stopped in growth.
Stort—To startle.
Stowk—A stook of corn, a number of sheaves.
Stowling—A large lump of anything.
Stown—Stole, to steal.
Stranny—Wild, excited.
Strean—To strain, to sprain.
Streant—Strained, filtered.
Strine—To stride.
Strinkle—To sprinkle, to scatter.
Strunchion—A long story, a tale.
Strunt—The tail of a bird.
Stunt—Sulky, sullen blunt.
Stunner—Very good, extraordinary.
Sturky—Short, undersized.
Sucked-in—Deceived, disappointed.
Surry—Ill, not so well.
Swabby—Short, fat, applied to a person.
Swainey—Of inferior quality.
Swäll—To deluge with water.
Swap—To exchange.
Swarm—To climb.
Swath—The rind of bacon; grass.
Swathe—The width covered by a scythe in mowing.
Swatch—A low place where water stands.
Sweäl—To melt, to burn away.
Swedge—To force.
Swedger—To over lay the stomach.
Swine-haw—Fruit of the bramble.
Swinge—To singe.
Syled—Filtered, strained.
Taäin—Taken, under-stated.
Taäin-work—Work undertaken at a stated price.
Tab—A tag, a piece of leather in front of a boot.
Tack—A disagreeable flavour.
Tackle—To seize or attack by word or action.
Taffle—To entangle.
Tag-rag-and-bob-tail—Anything of an inferior class. The last of a company.
Taglioni—A light over coat made of drabette.
Tallow-crawk—Tallow refuse used as a food for pigs.
Tan—To beat, to strike.
Tanner—A slang phrase for a sixpence.
Tang—The sting of an insect; the prong of a fork.
Tantrums—Whims, airs, freaks.
Tantling-job—Something very small or trifling.
Tantivy—Full gallop.
Tar-marle—Cord steeped in tar.
Tave—To storm, to be restless, to be fidgetty.
Taw—A large choice marble used by boys.
Tazzle—To entangle.
Tea-horn—Tea urn.
Teäm—To rain heavily.
Teäthy—Restless, impatient.
Teck—To take.
Tecked—Have taken.
Tecken—Taken, delivered.
Ted—A small hay cock.
Teeny—Very small.
Tem—To pour; to unload.
Tems—A fine sieve made of horse hair.
Tent—To look after, to watch.
Tew—To harass, to be in constant motion.
Thacker—A thatcher.
Thacking—A beating.
Thames—A sieve.
Tharms—The small intestines of a pig.
Thick—To be very friendly.
Thick-wet—Saturated with water.
Thone—Applied to work of any kind which goes roughly.
Thraw—To throw.
Threap—To threaten.
Threaped—Insisted, positively asserted, admitting no denial.
Thruffing—The whole matter.
Thrush—To thrash.
Thundering—Huge, unusually great.
Thumping—Of large size.
Thusker—Of immense size.
Thusking—Very large.
Tidy—Neat, clean; a child’s pinafore.
Tilt—Subs., The framework of a cart or waggon. Verb, To raise, to elevate.
Tilly-willie—Small, under size.
Tine—The prong of a fork.
Tipe—To overturn, to tip up.
Titivate—To clean, to dress up.
Tit—A favourite horse.
Tom-tawdry—Cheap finery; flimsy unsuitable dress.
Toner—Either one or other.
Top-up—To complete a work, to conclude any business, to finish a stack.
Tops-it—To excel, to over match.
Torn-down—Boisterous, romping.
Tot—A small glass of beer.
Towze—To unraffle.
Traäil—To draw, to drag.
Traäiling—To go wearily, to walk slowly.
Trāāpes—A slovenly, dirty woman.
Trāāpesing—To walk in a slovenly manner.
Trammock—To walk about without settled purpose.
Transmografy—To convert anything from its original design; to change, to reconstruct anything.
Trash-bags—A worthless person.
Traumpus—Wandering to and fro.
Trays—Wooden hurdles.
Trig—Neat, precise, tight.
Trollops—A slovenly, dirty woman.
Truck—Concern with, connection.
Tumma—To me.
Tumpoke—To turn over heels over head.
Tuneable—Able to sing.
Tunnel—A funnel.
Tut—A ghost.
Twang—Flavour, taste.
Twank—To beat, to strike.
Twicer—Anything worth double.
Twig—To understand.
Twill—To thread upon a reel.
Twilt—To beat, to strike.
Twink—Immediately, at once.
Twitter—Nervous, frightened.
Twizzle—To twist, to raffle.
Unbethinking—Without thought.
Unbeknown—Not known.
Uncoōmed—Not come, not arrived.
Underneän—Beneath, underhand.
Under-lout—A lazy man-servant.
Ungaäin—Inconvenient, awkward.
Unheppen—Clumsy, unskilful.
Unready—Not ready, not dressed.
Unsneck—To unfasten.
Uphand—To maintain or back up.
Uphōde—To maintain, to assert.
Up-on-end—Sitting up in bed.
Uppish—Proud, haughty.
Up-shot—Conclusion of a matter.
Up-tack—The taking up or entering upon anything.
Uvvers—Rough grass.
Vāāls—Presents to servants.
Vartiwells—A part of a hinge to a gate.
Wabble—To tremble.
Wack—Something due.
Wacken—Wakeful, sharp, quick.
Wacker—Very large size.
Wad—A guide.
Wäffy—Silly, weak in mind.
Waft—A draught, an obnoxious smell.
Wag—To signal by the hand.
Wall-eyed—Squinting; having eyes of different colours.
Wallop—To beat, to strike.
Walloper—Immense size.
Walloping—Above the usual size, huge.
Wankle—Weakly, ill; a weak child.
Wap—To beat by blows with the open hand.
Waps—The fan used in dressing corn.
Wäpper—Anything unusually large.
Ware—To spend money.
Warner—A warden.
Watter-jawled—Land covered with water.
Weän—With you.
Weänt—I will not.
Wed—To weed.
Weedle—To coax.
Weffling—A noise made by a dog,
Weigh—One hundredweight of coals.
Welker—An extreme size.
Welking—Big, awkward, idle.
Welt—To thrash, to strike.
Welting—A beating.
Wench—A young girl.
Weney—Unwell, in bad health; small.
Werrit—To tease, to fidget.
Werry—To give birth.
Wesh—To wash.
Wet-shird—Wet shod.
Whack—Allowance, allotted quantity, a blow.
Whacker—Something large or fine.
Whang—To throw, to fall heavily.
Whap—To force, to beat.
Wheal—To make as with blows from a whip.
Whemble—To turn over, to remove.
Whelk—Force, violence.
Wheuls—An insect found in corn.
Whippet—Of a small size, a dwarf.
Whittling—Cutting a stick with a knife.
Whitter—To complain, to be peevish.
Whithy—A willow branch.
Winny—A noise made by a horse.
Whopper—Anything very large.
Whyne—Drawling cry of a child.
Wiltä?—Wilt thou?
Windle—Drifting snow.
Wizened—Dried up, shrunken, withered
Woh!—A word used to stop horses.
Wong—Low land.
Wonser—Severe, as a blow.
Wop—To beat, to strike.
Wopper—A good size.
Wopping—Large, immense.
Worry—To bother, to tease.
Wottle-days—Week days, working days.
Wrinkle—A new idea.
Wykings—The corners of the mouth.
Yaffling—A noise made by a dog.
Yammer—To constantly complain.
Yard—A small enclosure near a house.
Yark—To jerk, to pull.
Yaup—To shout.
Yauping—Noisy, boisterous.
Yawm—To move about awkwardly, to make a noise.
Yawnups—An ignorant person.
Yeät—To eat.
Yock—A yoke, to attach horses in a team.
Yocks—A wooden implement used in carrying water.
Yother—To eat greedily.
Yow—A female sheep, ewe.
Yowl—To howl.
Yuck—To jerk, to pull, to snatch_
Yule-caākes—Christmas cakes.
Yule-clog—Yule log burnt at Christmas time.
Yup—The call in driving sheep.
Yuvling—A small gathering of straw, a wisp.