Journal of Geomancy vol. 2 no. 1, October 1977
In dealing with this subject it is important to make a fully scientific approach not duplicating the errors of philosophy scientists have made in their investigations.
We are dealing with the same principle that operates on 4 levels:
PLANETARY | STELLAR | EARTHLY | HUMAN (female and male) |
To be successful we must start at the smallest level, namely the human being. As is correctly said in Alchemy (a related study), the operator is essential and any faults of his or her psyche can irreparably damage his/her chances of success. So, four factors must be resolved in balance for our work:
1/ OUR PSYCHE Many people are deluded and live in an imaginary world all their lives. This seriously affects their ability to make objective statements. An example of this is the academic world whose members have a vested interest in education as it now is, and consequently delude themselves that they have the last word on Truth and that everyone else is living in fantasy. From our own side, we have certain people claiming to know about Atlantis or to read the “Akashic Records”. What they in fact produce is a lot of pseudo-mystical bunkum which publishers will take up for material gain.
2/ OUR NERVOUS SYSTEM of which our touchable bodies form an immediate manifestation. Wilhelm Reich, although himself a deceived man, did manage to produce exact material on the subject of the nervous system and most likely the ‘Orgone’ energy is a name for a whole complex of material and non-material energy including stray ionization in the atmosphere. One important principle stands out, namely that neurosis manifests itself in dangerous buildups of bodily tension, thus blocking the streaming of certain energies essential to our health and sanity. What seems a fair inference, now being re-proved, is that blockage can be so severe that these energies become destructive and a cancer is formed.
The present theory which supports this is that certain psychological types are significantly more prone to cancer than others. {6} The criminal irresponsibility of materialistic science seeks to reject this and as a result people die who need not. The phenomenon of life is definitely both material and, more importantly, non-material in causation.
3/ THE SEVEN CENTRES OF BEING (of the system of George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff).
These actions have material bases in all likelihood in the secretions of the endocrine glands of which the Adrenal and Thyroid are two. To preserve the body, the Ancient Egyptians took out four organs which in all likelihood have a bearing on the meaning of the Four Elements when we consider the human being and by analogy the Earth.
FIRE | ![]() | Stomach and upper intestines | Heart and lungs | ![]() | WATER |
EARTH | ![]() | Lower intestines | Gall bladder and liver | ![]() | AIR |
There is an ancient Babylonian principle that the Four Powers of the ‘right’ (the Elements/Genii) draw the seven powers of the ‘left’ to produce all creation. The description of the cipher which tries to befog our rating of this principle (which is in fact an extension of the ‘law of seven’) is to be found in Jack Lindsay’s “Origins of Alchemy in Graeco-Roman Egypt”.
Those of you who are James Churchward fans will find the tetrad and the law of seven relatively well explained as his diagram entitled the Eight Ziis. Another treatment of the four elements is saying that each element has its own set of 8 Ziis. This gives us 32 as yet un-understood energy configurations. Since the Kabala holds 32 paths, this latter treatment seems the more valuable.
Hence we can translate the Yin and Yang of Feng-Shui (Chinese geomancy) as a duality of a tetrad (Yang) and an eptad (Yin). Further, from a remark in a book on Feng-Shui we postulate that straight lines are only of one polarity and that there exist curves simultaneously in tracks and terrestrial zodiacs, of another polarity (Mr. I.L. Legenza of ‘Tao Magic’ may be able to further enlighten us on this, in a subsequent publication).
4/ THE SEVEN CHAKRAS are, Gurdjieff states, different from these seven being centres. Mr. Adams’ (J. Geomancy 1/3) suggestion the orgasm can be harnessed or enhanced using a junction of Ley lines now becomes a natural conclusion on this information. We also have a less salutary conclusion to draw. Namely that truncating and blocking the action of leys is equivalent to building up unnatural muscular tension in a person, terminating in psychosis. What is more disturbing is that this is not only the anthropomorphic Mother Earth, it is also our common Psyche. In no less clear terms, the symbolic statements namely that ‘Mother Earth’ turns into Kali, the Indian goddess who swallows her children, by this token.{7}
We must seek to identify which energies we are dealing with, and their relation to accepted energies. Mr Adams’ article uses the phrase ‘the gentle solicitude of the Great Goddess’. The point about this choice phrase is that solicitude is of the Higher Emotional centre and at last we have something to hang onto, and to base further questions on:
1) What material action in the body does Higher Emotion relate to and what kind of non-material energy is it that causes these actions to be?
2) What is the application of this Energy to present Energetics and to Geomancy and can we measure it with instruments?
Lastly, for those of the readership that science bores, a word on witchcraft: Gerald Gardner tends to suggest the original witchcraft, being lunar based as early Mesopotamian religion (stellar also) was contemporary with the construction of many ‘megalithic’ stone circles. Professor Thom’s incomparable work shows how many of the circles were used in connexion with observing the moon against a background of certain stars.
We go further than this and postulate that what survives in witchcraft is the exoteric ritual and observance that the High Priestesses and Priests initiated attendants into but failed to tell them exactly what their ritual did in raw transmaterial energetics. So they called it by the name ‘magic’ for non-initiates, and now we no longer have these Hierophants around and only the observances in much reduced form to look at. Hence the applications of these highly important customs will be left to a fringe of people who for various reasons hold to it as a religious faith, and cannot defend themselves with raw knowledge against unwise attacks on them by the popular press. In this light, witches emerge as patriots, greater than their gross persecutors of the past who didn’t even suspect the wholly pagan origins of the marvels of mediaeval cathedrals now being destroyed by ‘restoration work’, weather and secrecy.
One prime example of this kind of behaviour is Fulcanelli’s “Mystère des Cathedrales”. To understand it you must be a sane schizoid who can identify totally with his personality. Others would be wise not to attempt it. The amount of unnecessary and poor books written by pseudo-psychic con-men is disgusting, while our I.G.R. works can’t even be sold in most good bookshops but have to take their place with an amazing selection of unworthy publications catering for people who cannot face reality.
I, to continue, postulate that witches are the remains of the exoteric offshoots of extremely wise and sophisticated surveyors/mathematicians/astronomers, who, being wise in philosophy also realized the illusion of the material world which we are only now approaching with existentialism and relativity theory, in the, as is said, “Increasing crisis of identity in our society”.
The Druids, being a solar religion, are relatively late interlopers who, to have analogous knowledge, as they almost certainly did, must at first have approached the wiccans as pupils and only later begun to treat them with jealousy and distrust. The same situation occurred with the original Indians of 2500 BC or thereabouts who taught their violent detractors, the Aryan Brahmins, who, once they had learned as much as they conceived made them wise, expelled and massacred these unfortunate people and their sages, so that now their memory is relegated to tales in mythology of the Great Race of Serpent Demons: the NAGAS. Dates for origins, ends, migrations, activities of the wiccan-dominated peoples is at present such a thorny issue that failing proven facts we should use Kathryn Jane Preston’s argument for {8} the age of Cancer for predominance of stellar cults and Gemini for the peak age of the Wiccan culture whose wisdom is not utterly lost.
CANCER 8640–6480 BC | GEMINI 8639–4153 BC |
We cannot prove any of this now, if ever. This tends to suggest that the history is totally unimportant, and we would be wasting valuable mental capacity to bother about it, except in one respect: we have to draw a line for the full stop of this knowledge and its guardians, the Wiccan Priesthood, probably early: 2000 BC.
Is it not indeed significant no-one can say what the Druids knew for certain and yet the practices of the much earlier Wiccan survive still. A judgement?