Ground rents provided an annual income: the papers reveal quite a few family connections over the years as they were passed through the generations.
Second Extract Registered Contract of Ground Annual Between The Trustees of the late Robert Walkinshaw Esquire and Alexander Shaw Dated 3rd March 1864 Regd 29thApril 1864 Couper Mackenzie & Innes Edinburgh |
Sale from trustees of Robert Walkinshaw of Parkhouse (deceased) - refers to trust dated 20 Dec 1833 & 25 Sep 1835 - to Alexander Shaw, mason & builder, Glasgow of ground (727 square yards and 7 square feet) in Stanley Street (Meuse Lane, Cunninghouse, Govan parish, Renfrewshire) subject to yearly ground rent of £16/7/6 to trustees: Daniel & James Walkinshaw, James White |
Extract Contract of Ground Annual Between The Trustees of the late Robert Walkinshaw of Parkhouse and William Mair Regd 14 Decemr 1869 Mackenzie Gardner & Alexander Edinburgh |
Sale from trustees of Robert Walkinshaw (deceased) - refers to trust dated 20 Dec 1833 & 25 Sep 1835 - to William Mair, wright & builder, Glasgow of ground on Paisley to Glasgow turnpike (Rutland Cresc, Mews Lane, Cunninghouse, Govan parish, Renfrewshire) subject to yearly ground rent of £23/5/- to trustees: Daniel Walkinshaw, James White |
Disposition and Assignation by The Trustees of the deceased Robert Walkinshaw with consent In favor of Miss Jane Sarah Kellett & others as Trustees 1873 of Ground Annuals of £16-7-6 and £23-5/- from subjects, Parkhouse Inventory of Writs Annexed Mackenzie Gardner & Alexander Writers Glasgow |
Sale from trustees of Robert Walkinshaw (deceased) in trust to Misses Jane Sarah Kellett, Augusta Henrietta Kellett, Mrs. Jemima Hunter Kellett or Melhado, spouse of Elias Henriquez Melhado, all of 1 Wilton Terrace Dublin of ground rents on two properties above in consideration of the sum of Eight hundred and ninety-one pounds Eleven shillings and three pence Sterling |
Disposition and Assignation by Miss Jane Sarah Kellett and others with consent in favor of William Taylor McComb & Anor as Trustees ut intus Dated 14 February 1889 of Ground Annuals of £16-7-6 and £23-5/- over subjects Parkhouse Mackenzie Gardner & Alexander Writers Glasgow |
Assigned without payment from Misses Jane Sarah Kellett, Augusta Henrietta Kellett, Mrs. Jemima Hunter Kellett or Melhado, spouse of Elias Henriquez Melhado, all sometime residing at One Wilton Terrace, Dublin and now at 3a Hyde Park Mansions London to William Taylor McComb MD of Beccles Suffolk and Gordon Cowan Melhado of 12 Westbury Villas Brentford. refers to ante-nuptial contract Elias / Jemima, conveyance Elias / Jemima, Evelyn and William Henry Melhado of ground rents on two properties above
Scottish Archives RS102/3165 Disposition and Assignation by Marriage Contract Trustees of Elias Henriquez Melhado and Jemima Hunter Kellett to Trustees of William Henry Melhado 3 April 1903 |
Gordon Cowan Melhado formerly residing at 12 Westbury Villas Brentwood Essex now residing at 27 Aldridge Road Villas London and Mrs. Evelyn Augusta Kellett Melhado or McComb residing at St. Denys Beccles Suffolk, widow of William Taylor McComb Doctor of Medicine, sole surviving trustees of ante-nuptial contract between Elias Henriquez Melhado (youngest son of Daniel Melhado of London & Kingston Jamaica) and Jemima Hunter Kellett (daughter of Robert John Napier Kellett sometime Captain 42nd regiment of Foot after residing Florence.) Gordon Cowan Melhado assigns without payment in favor of Mrs E A K Melhado or McComb and Revd Robert Dewe MA Rector of Gildeston Norfolk and the survivor and heir thereof of Trust granted by William Henry Melhado of 5A Hyde Park Mansions London in favour of Mrs E A K Melhado or McComb and now deceased Revd William Taylor McComb. |
NOTARIAL INSTRUMENT In favour of MRS. E.A.K. MELHADO or McCOMB. M/C Trustee of Captain and Mrs E. H. Melhado 1919 Completing Title to Ground Annuals of £16:7:6 and £23:5/- over subjects, Parkhouse Mackenzie Robertson & Co. Glasgow. |
ground rents assigned in trust to Mrs. E A K Melhado or McComb 4 Priory Mansions Priory Park Road Kilburn widow of W T McComb. Refers to ante-nuptial contract between E H Melhado (youngest son of Daniel Melhado of London & Kingston Jamaica) and Jemima Hunter Kellett (daughter of Robert John Napier Kellett sometime Captain. 42nd regiment of Foot after residing Florence.) Also refers to Gordon Cowan Melhado at 7 Aldridge Road Villas London in 1902. |
DISPOSITION & ASSIGNATION by MRS. E.A.K. MELHADO or McCOMB as Trustee ut intus in favour of MRS. E.A.K. MELHADO or McCOMB 1919 Ground Annuals of £16:7:6 and £23:5:- over subjects Parkhouse (1) Stanley Street & (2) Paisley Road Mackenzie Robertson & Co. |
Mrs. EVELYN AUGUSTA KELLETT MELHADO OR McCOMB sometime residing at St. Denys Beccles Suffolk now at Four Priory Mansions Priory Park Road Kilburn London Widow of William Taylor McComb Doctor of Medicine assigns as sole trustee to herself personally. She acted under the The Ante Nuptial Contract of Marriage between Elias Henriquez Melhado youngest son of the late Daniel Melhado of London and of Kingston Jamaica and Jemima Hunter Kellett daughter of the deceased Robert John Napier Kellett sometime Captain in the Forty second Regiment of Foot afterwards residing in Florence dated Twenty second January and registered in the Books of Council and Session Sixth February both in the year Eighteen hundred and fifty five... This document was recorded in the GENERAL REGISTER OF SASINES of the COUNTY OF BARONY AND REGALITY OF GLASGOW in BOOK 4815 FOLIO 35-40 on 14 FEBRUARY 1920. |
Registers and Records of Scotland H.M. Chancery SECOND Extract Decree OF General Service MURIEL E. M. K. McCOMB To her grandmother EVELYN A. K. McCOMB Dated 28th and Recorded 31st December 1942. Mackenzie Robertson & Co. Solicitors, 176 St. Vincent Street, GLASGOW. |
Confirms that Miss Muriel Evelyn Mary Kellett McComb, teacher, of One St. Giles Terrace, Bethel Street, Norwich, Norfolk is the only child of Rev. Arthur William Evelyn McComb, St. John's Vicarage, Thirty one Bracondale Norwich, Norfolk who died 19 October 1939 and was the only son of Evelyn Augusta Kellett McComb, sometime of Rose Cottage Kingskerswell, Devon, and late of Eaton Medical Nursing Home, One hundred and thirty one Newmarket Road,Norwich, Norfolk who died 5 October 1941 - and is therefore her lawful heir. |
NOTIVE of TITLE in favour of MISS MURIEL E.M.K. McCOMB To Ground Annuals of £16:7:6 and £23:5:- over subjects in Parkhouse - (1) Stanley Street & (2) Paisley Road Mackenzie Robertson & Co. |
Ground annuals assigned to M.E.M.K McComb, 1 St. Giles Terrace Bethel St. Norwich, as heir after E.A.K McComb, sometime of Rose Cottage Kingskerswell, died 5 October 1941 and Rev. A.W.E. McComb, St. John's Vicarage, 31 Bracondale Norwich, died 19 October 1939. |
Search for Incumbrance over a ground annual... 1945 Mackenzie Robertson &Co. Writers, Glasgow. |
2 separate searches give summary of the above transactions and confirm title: (1) a Ground Annual for £16-7-6 payable from Subjects in Stanley Street, Kinning Park, Glasgow. (2) a Ground Annual of £23-5/- from Subjects in Paisley Road, Glasgow. |
The ground rents were finally sold some time around 1980 and the papers released from the solicitors who had held them during this time.